Merhabalar. Html de bir tablo hazırladım fakat bu tabloya ekleyeceğim belkide yüzlerce satır var. Fakat sadece 5-6 satırını göstermesini gerisini arka planda gizlemesini istiyorum. Yardımcı olursanız sevinirim.


Name Country
Alfreds Futterkiste Germany
Berglunds snabbkop Sweden
Island Trading UK
Koniglich Essen Germany

Css Kod;

#myInput {
background-image: url('/css/searchicon.png'); /* Add a search icon to input */
background-position: 10px 12px; /* Position the search icon */
background-repeat: no-repeat; /* Do not repeat the icon image */
width: 100%; /* Full-width */
font-size: 16px; /* Increase font-size */
padding: 12px 20px 12px 40px; /* Add some padding */
border: 1px solid #ddd; /* Add a grey border */
margin-bottom: 12px; /* Add some space below the input */

#myTable {
border-collapse: collapse; /* Collapse borders */
width: 100%; /* Full-width */
border: 1px solid #ddd; /* Add a grey border */
font-size: 18px; /* Increase font-size */

#myTable th, #myTable td {
text-align: left; /* Left-align text */
padding: 12px; /* Add padding */

#myTable tr {
/* Add a bottom border to all table rows */
border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;

#myTable tr.header, #myTable tr:hover {
/* Add a grey background color to the table header and on hover */
background-color: #f1f1f1;

JS Code;

function myFunction() {
// Declare variables
var input, filter, table, tr, td, i;
input = document.getElementById("myInput");
filter = input.value.toUpperCase();
table = document.getElementById("myTable");
tr = table.getElementsByTagName("tr");

// Loop through all table rows, and hide those who don't match the search query
for (i = 0; i < tr.length; i++) {
td = tr[i].getElementsByTagName("td")[0];
if (td) {
if (td.innerHTML.toUpperCase().indexOf(filter) > -1) {
tr[i].style.display = "";
} else {
tr[i].style.display = "none";