İki adet dosya var içinde.
Ben ne yapmalıyım ki bu çalışsın. Biraz ipucu verirseniz hiç bilmediğim bu konuda en azından oradan ilerlemek istiyorum.
Örneğin contact bu şekilde.
if(!$_POST) exit;
// Email address verification, do not edit.
function isEmail($email) {
if (!defined("PHP_EOL")) define("PHP_EOL", "\r\n");
$name = $_POST['name'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$phone = $_POST['phone'];
$subject = $_POST['subject'];
$comments = $_POST['comments'];
$verify = $_POST['verify'];
if(trim($name) == '') {
echo '
Attention! You must enter your name.';
} else if(trim($email) == '') {
echo '
Attention! Please enter a valid email address.';
} else if(!isEmail($email)) {
echo '
Attention! You have enter an invalid e-mail address, try again.';
if(trim($subject) == '') {
echo '
Attention! Please enter a subject.';
} else if(trim($comments) == '') {
echo '
Attention! Please enter your message.';
} else if(!isset($verify) || trim($verify) == '') {
echo '
Attention! Please enter the verification number.';
} else if(trim($verify) != '4') {
echo '
Attention! The verification number you entered is incorrect.';
if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$comments = stripslashes($comments);
// Configuration option.
// Enter the email address that you want to emails to be sent to.
// Example $address = "joe.doe@yourdomain.com";
//$address = "example@themeforest.net";
$address = "example@themeforest.net";
// Configuration option.
// i.e. The standard subject will appear as, "You've been contacted by John Doe."
// Example, $e_subject = '$name . ' has contacted you via Your Website.';
$e_subject = 'You\'ve been contacted by ' . $name . '.';
// Configuration option.
// You can change this if you feel that you need to.
// Developers, you may wish to add more fields to the form, in which case you must be sure to add them here.
$e_body = "You have been contacted by $name with regards to $subject, their additional message is as follows." . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
$e_content = "\"$comments\"" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
$e_reply = "You can contact $name via email, $email";
$msg = wordwrap( $e_body . $e_content . $e_reply, 70 );
$headers = "From: $email" . PHP_EOL;
$headers .= "Reply-To: $email" . PHP_EOL;
$headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0" . PHP_EOL;
$headers .= "Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8" . PHP_EOL;
$headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable" . PHP_EOL;
if(mail($address, $e_subject, $msg, $headers)) {
// Email has sent successfully, echo a success page.
echo "Email Sent Successfully!
echo '';
echo "Thank you $name, your message has been submitted to us.
echo '';
} else {
echo 'ERROR!';