Siteme Question2Answer modülünü şeklinde olacak şekilde kurdum. Ardından anasayfam olan adresine sağ tarafta görünmesi için sidebar.php dosyası içine aşağıdaki kodları yerleştirdim. Evet artık en son sorulan sorular anasayfamda çıkıyor ama düzen yok bağımsızlığını ilan ettiler :) Ayrıca footer.php içinde yer alan Son Yazılar Kısmı da kayboldu aşağıdaki kodu silince geri geliyor. Bunları nasıl hizaya getirebilirm? Acil yardım
Bu arada sitem wordpress tabanlı

function ago($time)
$periods = array("saniye", "dakika", "saat", "gün", "hafta", "ay", "yıl", "decade");
$lengths = array("60","60","24","7","4.35","12","10");

$now = time();

$difference = $now - $time;
$tense = "önce";

for($j = 0; $difference >= $lengths[$j] && $j < count($lengths)-1; $j++) {
$difference /= $lengths[$j];

$difference = round($difference);

return "$difference $periods[$j] $tense ";

* @author Q2A Market
* @copyright 2013
* @Website
* @version 1.00
* Description:
* ------------
* Get recent questions from Question2Anser website.
* Usage:
* ------
* Define Q2A path to $qa_path=site_root('YOUR_Q2A_PATH'); where 'YOUR_Q2A_PATH' is your q2a 'qa-config.php' file path.
* To list recent question you need to call 'qa_recent_questions($args=array())' function where you would like to dispaly.
* $args parameter can helps to customize html structure and css class.
* Parameters:
* -----------
* $args:-
* (array)(optional) Query string will override the values in $defaults.
* Default: None
* $limit:-
* (string)(optional) Must be an intiger value defined the number of question will be displayed.
* Default: 10
* $container:-
* (string)(optional) Valid HTML tag to wrap the un-order list of questions. Required only tag e.g 'div' and not '
' no closing tag required.
* Default: None
* $container_class:-
* (string)(optional) CSS class for container
* Default: None
* $list_class:-
* (string)(optional) CSS class for UL un-order list
* Default: None
* Example:-
* ---------
* // set function parameter in array format
* $args = array(
* 'limit' => 25,
* 'container' => 'div',
* 'container_class' => 'recent-question',
* 'list_class' => 'q-list-item'
* );
* Now you can pass $args into the function
* qa_recent_questions($args);
* Note: This is a beta version and may or may not work with your website. Q2A Market is not responsible for any losses.

//root path function
//Usually you do not have to touch this part.
function site_root($path=null){
return $root.$path;

//recent question function.
// the function has everything include from databse to html output and can be modify as per your need.
// to use this function please refer above usage guide.
function qa_recent_questions(array $args = array()){

/*-----> define your questin&answer (qa) path (not url) <-------*/


$qa_directory = basename($qa_path);


$prefix = constant('QA_MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX');

$args += array(
'limit' => 10,
'container' => null,
'container_class' => null,
'list_class' => 'qa-list-item',


$list_class_item = 'class="'.$list_class.'"';

$ul = '
    $ulc = '

$query = qa_db_query_sub("

SELECT posts.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(posts.created) as creat, users.*, category.categoryid, category.title as cat_title
FROM ".$prefix."posts as posts
LEFT JOIN ".$prefix."users as users ON (posts.userid=users.userid)
LEFT JOIN ".$prefix."categories as category ON (posts.categoryid=category.categoryid)
WHERE posts.type= 'Q'
ORDER BY posts.postid DESC
LIMIT $limit
") or die(mysql_error());

echo $ul;
$i = 0;
while ($row = qa_db_read_one_assoc($query, true)):
$title = $row['title'];
$alt_title = str_replace(array("'",'"'),array("",''),$row['title']);
$pid = $row['postid'];
$avatarblobid = $row['avatarblobid'];
$cat_title = $row['cat_title'];

$avatar_url = ''.$avatarblobid.'&qa_size=40';
$avatar_url = '';

if(strlen($title) > 25)
$title = mb_substr($title, 0, 25, 'UTF-8') . '...';
$title = $title;

$created = $row['creat'];

echo '
  • ';
    echo '
  • ';

    echo 'Avatar '.$title.' '.ago($created).' '.$cat_title.'';

    echo '
  • ';

    echo $ulc;

      $args = array(
      'limit' => 8,
      'container_class' => 'qa-recent-q',