Alan Adı:
Kayıt ve Bitiş Tarihi: 11.12.2007 - 11.12.2015
Registar: Godaddy
Hemen Al: 100 TL
Ödeme: İş bankası yada Enpara
Özel Notlar: .com uzantısı için sahibi minimum 2000 dolar istiyor.

Hello Onur,

My name is Darryl and I am a Domain Broker representing the owners of

My client requires a minimum offer of $2,000 USD to even get a price let alone to make a sale. Typically, I have prices readily available from my client, however I am not sure if this one is for sale. In these situations it would require an offer.

Feel free to respond to this email or go to the link below to make an offer.

Thank you.