Dear xxxx xxxx

We wanted to confirm with you that Domain Transfer Lock has been turned off for the domain name registrations (nsWebAddress™) listed below:

Account Number: xxxxxx

Domain Name Registration:
Update made by: xxxi xxxx
Update made: 18th April, 2014 8:00:00 P.M. ET

Turning Domain Transfer Lock off removes an extra layer of protection against an unauthorized transfer of your domain name registration(s).

When turned on, Domain Transfer Lock provides protection from "domain hijackers" or others who may illegally attempt to transfer your domain name registration.
With Domain Transfer Lock on you can still perform legal name changes and consolidate or move domain names between Network Solutions® accounts.
If you intend to transfer this domain name please call Network Solutions at 1-888-642-9675 to request assistance from a transfer specialist.

Once again, thank you for choosing Network Solutions®. We are committed to providing the best solutions, services, and support to help you succeed online.

Transfer Lock: off yapmıştım on yapacaktım acaba transfer kodu yerine bu geldi