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halis07 halis07 Kimlik Onayı Bekliyor Banlı Kullanıcı
  • Üyelik 07.06.2018
  • Yaş/Cinsiyet 30 / E
  • Meslek webmaster,webtasarım,içerik ed
  • Konum Antalya
  • Ad Soyad H** B**
  • Mesajlar 13
  • Beğeniler 0 / 1
  • Ticaret 1, (%100)


Almancacevirimerkezi olarak sizlere daha iyi hizmet sunmak adına ingilizce çeviri hizmetlerimiz başlamıştır.Profesyonel yeminli tercümanımız ile sizlere daha kaliteli bir hizmet vermek için çalışıyoruz.

2.Makale Hizmeti

Almancacevirimerkezi olarak sizlere daha iyi hizmet vermek adına uzman yazarlarımızla türkçe makale hizmetini başlattık.Kaliteli makale hizmeti almak için günün hersaati bizlerle iletişime geçebilirsiniz.Örnek çalışmalarımızı websitemizde görebilirsiniz.

Teknik Çevirinin Adresi Almancacevirimerkezi

Teknik çeviri, bilimsel anlamda uzmanlık gerektirdiği gibi dil uzmanlığı da barındırır. Doğru terimlerin kullanıldığı güvenilir teknik çeviri için yalnızca çeviri hizmeti sunuyoruz. Teknik çeviri talebiniz durumunda kaliteden ödün vermeden zamanında teslimat gerçekleştirerek kaliteli çeviri hizmeti sunan olarak teknik çeviri hizmetinde de en dogru adres olmaya devam ediyor. Çeviri platformumuz sayesinde almanca teknik çevirileriniz için sipariş verebilir, uzman çevirmen personellerimizle çeviri hizmetimizden faydalanabilirsiniz.Teknik Tercüme İçin Çeviri Hizmeti

Teknik çeviri için dosyanız ne kadar uzun olursa olsun, teslimat tarihini talebiniz doğrultusunda belirleyebilir, çeviri metninizi size hızlı bir şekilde teslim en iyi teknik çeviri hizmeti sunmaktadır.

4.Almanca-Türkçe/ Türkçe Almanca Metin Çevirisi

Örnek Çalışmalar;

1.Yeminli Tercuman Kerim Kaya'dan Örnek İngilizce Çeviri
A unique assignation of quality and technology
Each product manufactured in our plant is obtained through our highest technology equipment at highest quality and with huge meticulousness by our professional employees.
You can examine and download the catalogues of all our products.
In order to access detailed information about our company, please watch our promotional video.
Nature is our responsibility.
As Köksan family, all our products are manufactured nature-friendly and environment-friendly.
OXO-BIODEGRADABLE which is a special admixture material that accelerates the “natural decaying process” of the plastic materials buried in soil is a material in conformity with food. Köksan is the leading firm to provide OXO-BIODEGRADABLE in PET packages and in line with the demands of the customers as well as being among a few firms to in the world to give such services.
AA Blocker
AA (AsetAldehit) is a chemical component which naturally exists in the PET raw-material with the maximum proportion of 1% and this proportion increase throughout the processing process. If a lot of AA is formed in the structure of PET package, a bad smell occurs and disturbs the user; this occasion is a problem which is frequently observed in the use of natural mineral water. They are special additives which are appropriate for food and they are employed to keep the levels of AA amounts at a definite amount in PET packages through preventing this occasion with AA Blockers.
As Köksan, we can keep the AA levels in the PET packages (preform) we produce at the rates that our customers may demand through employing AA Blocker.
UV Stabilizer
In order to help to the protection of the materials with UV sensitivity in pet packages, the UV blockers are employed for this purpose and it was aimed to minimize the UV based decaying of the materials to be put in the packages and their interaction.
Smart Stabilizer
In order to save energy during the process of heating employed for the production of bottles from preform, preforms with special additives are produced and energy conservation up to 20% is obtained in the heating energy.
Certificate of Appreciation from Minister to Köksan
Köksan Inc. which operate in Gaziantep ranked number three in the list of Corporate Income Tax in 2015. The certificate of appreciation signed by Naci Ağbal the Minister of Finance was presented to Asım Kökoğlu the Chairman of Köksan Pet and Plastic Packaging Industry and Trade Inc. by Halil Tekin, the Director of Gaziantep Tax Office.
Köksan is among the top 50 firms of Anatolia
Click for the details of the news...
Our Strategies
When the diversity of sectors in its customer portfolio is considered in addition to the components of geographical distribution is considered, diversification of investments as different geographies in national basis in addition to the distribution of the investments in global basis and conducting extra investments are the top strategy and power of KÖKSAN INC. Within this context, the company started its travel of annual export of $1 million in 2004 towards the new targets of $ 250 million per year nowadays and it also aims to incorporate the same amount of potential.
After Hendek Investment which started to operate in 2014, its total capacity of using raw material increased about 30% and its capacity of processing 160.000 tons of raw materials consolidated its leadership in this sector and it keeps on continuous investments.
Please click here to get information about the SERVICES OF INFORMATION SOCIETY…
To make the convenient candidates join KÖKSAN family through equalitarian approaches towards the employees. To enable necessary environments and opportunities in order to train those candidates as good members of the family and have a voice in KÖKSAN family, establish a working environment which is based on love and respect, focused on success and in conformity with the requirements of business life, award the contributions to the development of working processes and drive the different and distinctive employees.
In order to submit your job application form, please fill in the form below. If you have a CV available, you can send it us in the forms of Word or PDF(Acrobat Reader) through the link below.
2.Tercümanımızdan Örnek Almanca Çeviri

Riderskills ist ein Simulationsspiel womit Sie frei Motorrad fahren können. In einer Waldstrecke mit hidernissen und Rampen werden sie ein vergnügungsvolles Motorradfahrt erleben. In diesem Spiel sind keine Aufgaben und Abschnitte und auch kein Zeitlimit vorhanden. Falls sie gerne Motorradfahrt fahren ist dieser spiel das richtige für sie. Ich denke sie werden diesen spiel gerne mögen, weil sie unbehindert in einem Wettspiel gleichzeitig auch Motorrad fahren können. Wenn sie möchten können sie auch die höchste geschwindigkeit erreichen so können sie die hohen Rampen erreichen.
Weil sie ein Gelaendemotorrad fahren können sie auch damit die Berge bestehen. Es sind mehrere Kamera aufnahmen vorhanden, so können sie auch eine parselde aussicht aussuchen. Falls sie ein unfall gemacht haben geht der Spiel ın Sekunden dieser weiter, so können sie weiter spielen. In diesem Spiel gibt eş kein Verlierer und auch kein Gewinnen. Dies ist ein spiel was ıch euch vorschlagen möchte weil die Grafiken und die Realismus mich imponiert hat, deshalb möchte ich es euch vorschlagen diesen spiel aufzuladen.



TalhaAslan TalhaAslan Üyeliği Durdurulmuş Banlı Kullanıcı
  • Üyelik 14.02.2017
  • Yaş/Cinsiyet 25 / E
  • Meslek developer
  • Konum Antalya
  • Ad Soyad T** A**
  • Mesajlar 540
  • Beğeniler 128 / 126
  • Ticaret 49, (%98)
Burası wmaracı ama hocam :D


halis07 halis07 Kimlik Onayı Bekliyor Banlı Kullanıcı
  • Üyelik 07.06.2018
  • Yaş/Cinsiyet 30 / E
  • Meslek webmaster,webtasarım,içerik ed
  • Konum Antalya
  • Ad Soyad H** B**
  • Mesajlar 13
  • Beğeniler 0 / 1
  • Ticaret 1, (%100)
Hocam aceleye geldi.Söylemeseniz farketmiyordum bile tşkler :)Düzenlemek yapıldı.


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