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Konu içeriği:

Web: http://link.im
What is my Link.?
I Link. is a link shortening service and shorten the visit of the links you have, you get earnings. It applied for the first time with Link. link shortening service video ad options to publishers in the world will suffer more different experiments.
What will I earn?
Earnings vary depending on the country is in our table are listed on the site publisher earnings by country.
What is a payment limit?
$ 5.00 level in case of late payments is transferred to the account you specify in 48 hours.
What payment methods are available?
You can receive payments via PayPal only for the moment. But within a short time Payza payment structure of the lower will activate.
What advertising models exist in your system?
Our system is located 3 with all of our advertising model can gain this model. If you wish you can shorten your links without ads.
What is interstitial ads? (Example)
Visitors to the page we call this advertising model, ads are automatically redirected to the advertisers site, and then are directed to the address you shorten the link to continue here.
What is a video ad? (Example)
This advertising model in visitors after 30 seconds of video are watched by advertisers and are directed to the address you shorten after the link.
What is a banner ad? (Example)
Banner advertising model visitors with images and banners so that advertisers reduce direct link at the bottom of You.
Can you link sharing sites on +18?
In no way has this kind of service there are no restrictions. Links can be freely expressed in the media that you can share.
Do prevent situations such as going on?
In the system, people who are not in an attempt to harm our system is blocked in any way.
Can I convert easy way to gain links on my site? (Sample Site)
Our system can convert all the links located in the Tools section of the domain extension you specify a simple js code to add to your site through your site with our feature page script automatically gain access through our Link. service.
Can I gain with reference system?
Our reference system is working in real time you can create your own sub-members 10% of their earnings to shareholders.
Complaints, what should I do to communicate and help?
Located complaints using our site homepage and forms of communication system and link your complaint to us, help can send your suggestions and demands.
Web: http://link.im
Abuse: http://link.im/abuse
Help & Contact: http://link.im/contact
Mail: mail@link.im
*Dilerseniz Link.im sitemize üye olarak size verilen referans linkinizi de paylaştığınız konulara ekleyebilirsiniz.
*Not: Konu eklenirken kalın punto ve linklerin düzgün göründüğünden emin olunuz.
Ödemeler forumda olup gördüğümüz zaman kontrolden hemen sonra anında yapılacaktır.
Lütfen paylaşım yaptıktan sonra PayPal hesabınızla birlikte paylaşım yaptığınız konu linklerinide vererek konu altına mesaj atınız!
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