selamun aleyküm arkadaşlar canon MP230 2ci el yazıcı aldım kartuşları yok ama ben yazıcıyı degilde tarayıcıyı kullanmak istiyorum fakat bu hatayı veriyor bilgisi olan varmı?
Canon tarama hatası code 2,140,21 |
2 Mesajlar | 11.423 Okunma |
How to Fix Error Code 2,140,21 on Canon Printers
This error appears when the scanner is used.
Printer is in use or an error has occurred. Check status. Scanner driver will be closed. Code : 2,140,21″
Solution 1:
On Windows: go to “devices”
Click on “Printer”
Click on “Stop printing”.
Solution 2:
Reinstate the driver of the printer.
Solution 3:
Sometimes, replacing the cartridge could solve the problem.