
Bu Kodu Nasıl Ekleyebilirim

8 Mesajlar 902 Okunma

Webarazzi Webarazzi <?php print("Webarazzi"?> Kullanıcı
  • Üyelik 05.03.2016
  • Yaş/Cinsiyet 36 / E
  • Meslek Birtekno'loji Sahibi
  • Konum Çorum
  • Ad Soyad M** B**
  • Mesajlar 1079
  • Beğeniler 31 / 187
  • Ticaret 5, (%100)
Merhaba arkadaşlar aşağıdaki vermiş olduğum koda şu kod eklenmesini istiyorum yardımcı olurmusunuz.

Eklenecek Kod
echo '';

Bu kod yokarıdaki koda eklenecek

  • %s ', 'ALSP'), difp_get_new_message_button() ); } ?>

  • ben bu şekilde ekliyorum ama beyaz sayfa hatasız alıyorum yardımcı olurmusunuz ?

    echo '
  • %s ', 'ALSP'), difp_get_new_message_button() ); } ?>
  • ';


    Cazipo.com- 2. el ve sıfır ürünlerde en iyi fiyatlarla burada! Güvenle al, kolayca sat!

    65116 65116 WM Aracı Anonim Üyelik
    • Üyelik 20.06.2016
    • Yaş/Cinsiyet - /
    • Meslek
    • Konum
    • Ad Soyad ** **
    • Mesajlar 632
    • Beğeniler 0 / 196
    • Ticaret 9, (%89)
    TemaYeri php de echo yaparken " işareti problem cıkartır.. bunun için 2 yol var ya tek tırnak kullanıcaksın html içerikleri yada çift tırnaktan önce \ işareti kulanıcaksın..

    echo '
  • 'messages')); ?>\"> %s ', 'ALSP'), difp_get_new_message_button() ); } ?>
  • ';



    Webarazzi Webarazzi <?php print("Webarazzi"?> Kullanıcı
    • Üyelik 05.03.2016
    • Yaş/Cinsiyet 36 / E
    • Meslek Birtekno'loji Sahibi
    • Konum Çorum
    • Ad Soyad M** B**
    • Mesajlar 1079
    • Beğeniler 31 / 187
    • Ticaret 5, (%100)
    Güven teşekkürler bildilendirme için ama malesef olmadı hocam hala beyaz sayfa vermektedir.


    Cazipo.com- 2. el ve sıfır ürünlerde en iyi fiyatlarla burada! Güvenle al, kolayca sat!

    Webarazzi Webarazzi <?php print("Webarazzi"?> Kullanıcı
    • Üyelik 05.03.2016
    • Yaş/Cinsiyet 36 / E
    • Meslek Birtekno'loji Sahibi
    • Konum Çorum
    • Ad Soyad M** B**
    • Mesajlar 1079
    • Beğeniler 31 / 187
    • Ticaret 5, (%100)
    Yardım bekleniyor.


    Cazipo.com- 2. el ve sıfır ürünlerde en iyi fiyatlarla burada! Güvenle al, kolayca sat!

    ahmetp ahmetp WM Aracı Kullanıcı
    • Üyelik 19.05.2017
    • Yaş/Cinsiyet 41 / E
    • Meslek Diğer
    • Konum Diğer
    • Ad Soyad A** P**
    • Mesajlar 332
    • Beğeniler 39 / 144
    • Ticaret 1, (%100)
    echo '

  • '. if (difp_get_new_message_number()){ echo sprintf(__(' %s ', 'ALSP'), difp_get_new_message_button() ); }.'
  • ';

    Şunu bir dener misiniz?


    Webarazzi Webarazzi <?php print("Webarazzi"?> Kullanıcı
    • Üyelik 05.03.2016
    • Yaş/Cinsiyet 36 / E
    • Meslek Birtekno'loji Sahibi
    • Konum Çorum
    • Ad Soyad M** B**
    • Mesajlar 1079
    • Beğeniler 31 / 187
    • Ticaret 5, (%100)
    ahmetp malesef beyaz sayfa hatası ben kodu vereyim Buradaki linkte olan yerin sağ üst header üye avatarın yanında çıkmasını istiyorum.

    * @author Designinvento
    * @copyright (c) Designinvento
    * @link http://designinvento.net
    * @since Version 2.0
    * @package ClassiadsPro

    add_action( 'header_logo', 'pacz_header_logo' );
    add_action( 'header_mobile_logo', 'pacz_header_mobile_logo' );
    add_action( 'main_navigation', 'pacz_main_navigation' );
    add_action( 'vertical_navigation', 'pacz_vertical_navigation' );
    add_action( 'header_search', 'pacz_header_search' );
    add_action( 'header_logreg', 'pacz_header_logreg' );
    add_action( 'nav_listing_btn', 'pacz_nav_listing_btn' );
    add_action( 'header_search_form', 'pacz_header_search_form' );
    add_action( 'header_social', 'pacz_header_social');
    add_action( 'header_toolbar_social', 'pacz_header_toolbar_social');
    add_action( 'header_toolbar_contact', 'pacz_header_toolbar_contact');
    add_action( 'header_contact', 'pacz_header_contact');
    add_action( 'dashboard_trigger_link', 'pacz_dashboard_trigger_link' );
    add_action( 'responsive_nav_trigger_link', 'pacz_responsive_nav_trigger_link' );
    add_action( 'responsive_nav_listing_search_link', 'pacz_responsive_nav_search_link' );
    add_action( 'margin_style_burger_icon', 'pacz_margin_style_burger_icon' );
    add_action( 'vertical_header_burger_icon', 'pacz_vertical_header_burger_icon' );
    add_action( 'pacz_header_login_active_menu_mobile', 'pacz_header_login_active_menu' );

    * Create Header Logo
    if ( !function_exists( 'pacz_header_logo' ) ) {
    function pacz_header_logo() {

    global $pacz_settings,$allowedtags;
    $logo = isset($pacz_settings['logo']['url']) ? $pacz_settings['logo']['url'] : '';
    $logo_retina = isset($pacz_settings['logo-retina']['url']) ? $pacz_settings['logo-retina']['url'] : '';
    $mobile_logo = isset($pacz_settings['mobile-logo']['url']) ? $pacz_settings['mobile-logo']['url'] : '';
    $mobile_logo_retina = isset($pacz_settings['mobile-logo-retina']['url']) ? $pacz_settings['mobile-logo-retina']['url'] : '';

    $post_id = global_get_post_id();

    if($post_id) {

    $enable = get_post_meta($post_id, '_custom_bg', true );

    if($enable == 'true') {
    $logo_meta = get_post_meta($post_id, 'logo', true );
    $logo_retina_meta = get_post_meta($post_id, 'logo_retina', true );
    $logo_mobile_meta = get_post_meta($post_id, 'responsive_logo', true );
    $logo_mobile_retina_meta = get_post_meta($post_id, 'responsive_logo_retina', true );

    $logo = (isset($logo_meta) && !empty($logo_meta)) ? $logo_meta : $logo;
    $logo_retina = (isset($logo_retina_meta) && !empty($logo_retina_meta)) ? $logo_retina_meta : $logo_retina;
    $mobile_logo = (isset($logo_mobile_meta) && !empty($logo_mobile_meta)) ? $logo_mobile_meta : $mobile_logo;
    $mobile_logo_retina = (isset($logo_mobile_retina_meta) && !empty($logo_mobile_retina_meta)) ? $logo_mobile_retina_meta : $mobile_logo_retina;

    //$mobile_logo_csss = (!empty($mobile_logo)) ? 'mobile-menu-exists' : '';

    $output = '';

    echo wp_kses_post($output);

    if ( !function_exists( 'pacz_header_mobile_logo' ) ) {
    function pacz_header_mobile_logo() {

    global $pacz_settings,$allowedtags;
    $mobile_logo = isset($pacz_settings['mobile-logo']['url']) ? $pacz_settings['mobile-logo']['url'] : '';
    $mobile_logo_retina = isset($pacz_settings['mobile-logo-retina']['url']) ? $pacz_settings['mobile-logo-retina']['url'] : '';

    $post_id = global_get_post_id();

    if($post_id) {

    $enable = get_post_meta($post_id, '_custom_bg', true );

    if($enable == 'true') {
    $logo_mobile_meta = get_post_meta($post_id, 'responsive_logo', true );
    $logo_mobile_retina_meta = get_post_meta($post_id, 'responsive_logo_retina', true );

    $mobile_logo = (isset($logo_mobile_meta) && !empty($logo_mobile_meta)) ? $logo_mobile_meta : $mobile_logo;
    $mobile_logo_retina = (isset($logo_mobile_retina_meta) && !empty($logo_mobile_retina_meta)) ? $logo_mobile_retina_meta : $mobile_logo_retina;

    $mobile_logo_csss = (!empty($mobile_logo)) ? 'mobile-menu-exists' : '';

    $output = '';
    $output .= '';

    if ( !empty( $mobile_logo) ) {
    $output .= '';
    $output .= '

    echo wp_kses_post($output);


    Create Vertical Navigation
    if(!function_exists('pacz_vertical_navigation')) {
    function pacz_vertical_navigation($menu_location) {
    global $pacz_settings;
    $post_id = global_get_post_id();
    $header_structure = (get_post_meta( $post_id, '_custom_bg', true ) == 'true') ? get_post_meta( $post_id, 'header-structure', true ) : $pacz_settings['header-structure'];

    $header_style = $header_structure;

    if($header_style != 'vertical') return false;

    echo wp_nav_menu( array(
    'theme_location' => $menu_location,
    'container' => false,
    'container_id' => false,
    'container_class' => false,
    'menu_class' => 'pacz-vertical-menu',
    'fallback_cb' => '',
    'walker' => new header_icon_walker()

    * Create Header Search HTML content
    if ( !function_exists( 'pacz_header_search' ) ) {
    function pacz_header_search() {
    global $pacz_settings;

    $header_location = (isset($pacz_settings['header-search-location']) && !empty($pacz_settings['header-search-location']) && $pacz_settings['header-search-location'] == 'left') ? 'align-left' : '';
    echo '';

    * Create Header Login Register Buttons
    if ( !function_exists( 'pacz_header_logreg' ) ) {
    function pacz_header_logreg() {
    global $pacz_settings;
    $preset_header_style = $pacz_settings['preset_headers'];
    $logedin_user = wp_get_current_user()->ID;
    $logedin_user_display_name = get_the_author_meta( 'display_name', $logedin_user );
    $logedin_user_name = get_the_author_meta( 'user_nicename', $logedin_user );
    require_once PACZ_THEME_PLUGINS_CONFIG . "/image-cropping.php";
    $author_img_url = get_the_author_meta('pacz_author_avatar_url', $logedin_user, true);
    if($preset_header_style == 12){
    if(!empty($author_img_url)) {
    $params = array( 'width' => 37, 'height' => 37, 'crop' => true );
    $user_thumb = "".$logedin_user_name."";
    } elseif(function_exists('pacz_get_avatar_url')){
    $avatar_url = pacz_get_avatar_url ( get_the_author_meta('user_email', $logedin_user), $size = '37' );
    $user_thumb =''.$logedin_user_name.'';
    $user_thumb ='';
    if(!empty($author_img_url)) {
    $params = array( 'width' => 48, 'height' => 48, 'crop' => true );
    $user_thumb = "".$logedin_user_name."";
    } elseif(function_exists('pacz_get_avatar_url')){
    $avatar_url = pacz_get_avatar_url ( get_the_author_meta('user_email', $logedin_user), $size = '48' );
    $user_thumb =''.$logedin_user_name.'';
    $user_thumb ='';

    $login = $pacz_settings['pacz-login-slug'];
    $register = $pacz_settings['pacz-register-slug'];
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['pacz-logreg-header-btn']) && isset($pacz_settings['pacz-logreg-style']) && $pacz_settings['pacz-logreg-style'] == 1){
    echo '';
    echo ''.esc_html__('logout', 'classiadspro').'';
    echo '';
    echo ''.esc_html__('Register', 'classiadspro').'';
    }else if(!empty($pacz_settings['pacz-logreg-header-btn']) && isset($pacz_settings['pacz-logreg-style']) && $pacz_settings['pacz-logreg-style'] == 2){
    echo '';
    echo ''.esc_html__('logout', 'classiadspro').'';
    if($preset_header_style == 12){
    echo '';
    echo '';
    echo ''.esc_html__('Register', 'classiadspro').'';
    echo '';
    echo ''.esc_html__('Register', 'classiadspro').'';

    * Create Header Login Register Buttons
    if ( !function_exists( 'pacz_header_login_active_menu' ) ) {
    function pacz_header_login_active_menu() {
    global $pacz_settings;

    $logedin_user = wp_get_current_user()->ID;
    $logedin_user_display_name = get_the_author_meta( 'display_name', $logedin_user );
    $logedin_user_name = get_the_author_meta( 'user_nicename', $logedin_user );
    require_once PACZ_THEME_PLUGINS_CONFIG . "/image-cropping.php";
    $author_img_url = get_the_author_meta('pacz_author_avatar_url', $logedin_user, true);
    if(!empty($author_img_url)) {
    $params = array( 'width' => 70, 'height' => 70, 'crop' => true );
    $user_thumb = "".$logedin_user_name."";
    } else {
    $avatar_url = pacz_get_avatar_url ( get_the_author_meta('user_email', $logedin_user), $size = '70' );
    $user_thumb =''.$logedin_user_name.'';

    $login = $pacz_settings['pacz-login-slug'];
    $register = $pacz_settings['pacz-register-slug'];

    echo '
    echo '
    '.$user_thumb .'
    echo '';
    echo '
    echo ''.esc_html__('logout', 'classiadspro').'';
    echo '
    echo '
    echo '';
    echo '

    * Create Header listing button HTML content
    if ( !function_exists( 'pacz_nav_listing_btn' ) ) {
    function pacz_nav_listing_btn() {
    global $pacz_settings;
    $listing_btn_style = (isset($pacz_settings['listing_btn_style']))? $pacz_settings['listing_btn_style']: '';
    $header_listing_url = $pacz_settings['listing-btn-url'];
    $header_listing_btn_text = $pacz_settings['listing-btn-text'];
    $listing_btn_align = $pacz_settings['listing-btn-align'];
    $detect_mobile = new Mobile_Detect();
    if($listing_btn_style == 1){
    echo '

  • '.$header_listing_btn_text.'
  • ';
    }else if($listing_btn_style == 2){
    echo '

  • '.$header_listing_btn_text.'
  • ';
    echo '';

    * Create WPML Language Selector HTML content
    if(defined('ICL_SITEPRESS_VERSION') && defined('ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE'))
    function pacz_wpml_selector() {
    $languages = icl_get_languages('skip_missing=0&orderby=id');
    $output = "";


    $output .= '

  • ';
    $output .= ' ";
    $output .= "
  • ";

    echo wp_kses_post($output);

    add_action( 'header_wpml', 'pacz_wpml_selector');

    * Create Header Search Form HTML content
    if ( !function_exists( 'pacz_header_search_form' ) ) {
    function pacz_header_search_form() {

    echo '



    * Create Responsive Navigation trigger link Form HTML content. Please note that this link will appear in reposnive mode.
    if ( !function_exists( 'pacz_responsive_nav_trigger_link' ) ) {
    function pacz_responsive_nav_trigger_link() {

    echo '';

    * Create Responsive Navigation trigger link Form HTML content. Please note that this link will appear in reposnive mode.
    if ( !function_exists( 'pacz_responsive_nav_search_link' ) ) {
    function pacz_responsive_nav_search_link() {

    echo '';


    * Header Section Social Networks
    if ( !function_exists( 'pacz_header_social' ) ) {
    function pacz_header_social($location) {
    global $pacz_settings;

    if($pacz_settings['header-social-select'] == 'disabled') return false;
    if($pacz_settings['header-social-select'] == 'header_toolbar') return false;

    $output = '';

    if($location == 'outside-grid') {
    $output .= '
    } else {
    $output .= '
  • ';

    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-facebook'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-twitter'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-google-plus'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-rss'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-pinterest'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-instagram'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-dribbble'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-linkedin'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-tumblr'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-youtube'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-vimeo'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-spotify'])) {
    $output .= '';

    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-weibo'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-wechat'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-renren'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-imdb'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-vkcom'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-qzone'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-whatsapp'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-behance'])) {
    $output .= '';

    if($location == 'outside-grid') {
    $output .= '
  • ';
    } else {
    $output .= '';

    echo wp_kses_post($output);

    * Header Structure margin burger icon
    if ( !function_exists( 'pacz_margin_style_burger_icon' ) ) {
    function pacz_margin_style_burger_icon() {

    global $pacz_settings;
    $post_id = global_get_post_id();
    $header_structure = (get_post_meta( $post_id, '_custom_bg', true ) == 'true') ? get_post_meta( $post_id, 'header-structure', true ) : $pacz_settings['header-structure'];

    if($header_structure != 'margin') return false;

    echo '



    * Header Structure Vertical burger icon
    if ( !function_exists( 'pacz_vertical_header_burger_icon' ) ) {
    function pacz_vertical_header_burger_icon() {

    global $pacz_settings;
    $post_id = global_get_post_id();
    $header_structure = (get_post_meta( $post_id, '_custom_bg', true ) == 'true') ? get_post_meta( $post_id, 'header-structure', true ) : $pacz_settings['header-structure'];

    if($header_structure == 'vertical' && $pacz_settings['vertical-header-state'] == 'condensed') {

    echo '

  • ';


    * Header Toolbar Contact
    if ( !function_exists( 'pacz_header_toolbar_contact' ) ) {
    function pacz_header_toolbar_contact() {
    global $pacz_settings;
    if($pacz_settings['header-contact-select'] == 'disabled') return false;
    if($pacz_settings['header-contact-select'] == 'header_section') return false;

    if ( !empty( $pacz_settings['header-toolbar-phone'] ) ) {
    echo '';
    if (!empty( $pacz_settings['header-toolbar-phone-icon'])) {
    echo '';
    echo stripslashes( $pacz_settings['header-toolbar-phone'] );
    echo esc_html__('Phone', 'classiadspro').': '.stripslashes( $pacz_settings['header-toolbar-phone'] );
    echo '
    if ( !empty( $pacz_settings['header-toolbar-email']) && !empty( $pacz_settings['header-toolbar-email-icon']) ) {
    echo '';
    echo '';
    echo ''.antispambot( $pacz_settings['header-toolbar-email'] ).'
    }elseif( !empty( $pacz_settings['header-toolbar-email']) && empty( $pacz_settings['header-toolbar-email-icon']) ) {
    echo '';
    echo ''.esc_html__('Email: ', 'classiadspro').''.antispambot( $pacz_settings['header-toolbar-email'] ).'


    * Header Toolbar Contact
    if ( !function_exists( 'pacz_header_contact' ) ) {
    function pacz_header_contact($location) {
    global $pacz_settings;
    if($pacz_settings['header-contact-select'] == 'disabled') return false;
    if($pacz_settings['header-contact-select'] == 'header_toolbar') return false;

    $output = '';

    if($location == 'outside-grid') {
    $output .= '
    } else {
    $output .= '
  • ';

    if ( !empty( $pacz_settings['header-toolbar-phone'] ) ) {
    $output .= '';
    if (!empty( $pacz_settings['header-toolbar-phone-icon'])) {
    $output .= '';
    $output .= stripslashes( $pacz_settings['header-toolbar-phone'] );
    $output .= esc_html__('Phone: ', 'classiadspro').stripslashes( $pacz_settings['header-toolbar-phone'] );
    $output .= '
    if ( !empty( $pacz_settings['header-toolbar-email'] ) ) {
    $output .= '';
    if (!empty( $pacz_settings['header-toolbar-email-icon'])) {
    $output .= '';
    $output .= ''.antispambot( $pacz_settings['header-toolbar-email'] ).'
    if($location == 'outside-grid') {
    $output .= '
  • ';
    } else {
    $output .= '';
    echo wp_kses_post($output);

    * Create Main Navigation
    if ( !function_exists( 'pacz_main_navigation' ) ) {
    function pacz_main_navigation($menu_location) {

    global $pacz_settings;
    $post_id = global_get_post_id();
    $header_structure = (get_post_meta( $post_id, '_custom_bg', true ) == 'true') ? get_post_meta( $post_id, 'header-structure', true ) : $pacz_settings['header-structure'];

    $header_style = $header_structure;
    if($header_style == 'vertical') return false;
    $output = '';

    if($pacz_settings['header-search']) {
    do_action( 'header_search_form' );
    $output .= ob_get_contents();

    echo wp_kses_post($output);


    * Fallback menu
    if ( !function_exists( 'link_to_menu_editor' ) ) {
    function link_to_menu_editor( $args ) {
    global $pacz_settings;
    $preset_headers = $pacz_settings['preset_headers'];
    extract( $args );

    $link = '';

    if ( FALSE !== stripos( $items_wrap, ' or FALSE !== stripos( $items_wrap, ' )
    $link = "";
    if($pacz_settings['header-logo-location'] == 'header_section' && $preset_headers != 12) {
    do_action( 'header_logo' );
    $link .= ob_get_contents();
    do_action( 'header_search' );
    $link .= ob_get_contents();

    $output = sprintf( $items_wrap, $menu_id, $menu_class, $link );
    if ( ! empty ( $container ) )
    $output = "<$container class='$container_class' id='$container_id'>$output";

    if ( $echo )
    echo wp_kses_post($output);

    return $output;

    * Append Header elements to Main Navigation list items.
    if ( !function_exists( 'add_first_nav_item' ) ) {
    function add_first_nav_item( $items, $args ) {
    global $pacz_settings;
    $post_id = global_get_post_id();
    $header_search = (get_post_meta( $post_id, '_custom_bg', true ) == 'true') ? get_post_meta( $post_id, 'header-search', true ) : $pacz_settings['header-search'];
    $preset_header_style = $pacz_settings['preset_header_style'];
    $preset_headers = $pacz_settings['preset_headers'];
    if($preset_headers == 1){

    $pacz_logo_location = 'header_section';
    $pacz_logo_align = 'left' ;

    $header_toolbar_social_location = 'disabled';
    $header_toolbar_social_align = 'right';
    $listing_btn_location = 'header_section';
    $listing_btn_align = 'right';

    $login_reg_btn_location = 'disabled';
    $login_reg_btn_align = 'right';
    $header_align = 'right';

    }else if($preset_headers == 2){
    $pacz_logo_location = 'header_section';
    $pacz_logo_align = 'left' ;

    $header_toolbar_social_location = 'disabled';
    $header_toolbar_social_align = 'right';
    $listing_btn_location = 'header_section';
    $listing_btn_align = 'right';

    $login_reg_btn_location = 'disabled';
    $login_reg_btn_align = 'right';
    $header_align = 'right';

    }else if($preset_headers == 3){
    $pacz_logo_location = 'header_section';
    $pacz_logo_align = 'left' ;

    $header_toolbar_social_location = 'disabled';
    $header_toolbar_social_align = 'left';
    $listing_btn_location = 'header_section';
    $listing_btn_align = 'right';

    $login_reg_btn_location = 'disabled';
    $login_reg_btn_align = 'right';

    }else if($preset_headers == 4){
    $pacz_logo_location = 'header_toolbar';
    $pacz_logo_align = 'center' ;

    $header_toolbar_social_location = 'header_toolbar';
    $header_toolbar_social_align = 'left';
    $listing_btn_location = 'header_toolbar';
    $listing_btn_align = 'right';

    $login_reg_btn_location = 'header_section';
    $login_reg_btn_align = 'right';
    $header_align = 'left';

    }else if($preset_headers == 5){
    $pacz_logo_location = 'header_section';
    $pacz_logo_align = 'left' ;

    $header_toolbar_social_location = 'header_toolbar';
    $header_toolbar_social_align = 'right';
    $listing_btn_location = 'header_section';
    $listing_btn_align = 'right';

    $login_reg_btn_location = 'header_toolbar';
    $login_reg_btn_align = 'right';
    $header_align = 'right';

    }else if($preset_headers == 6){
    $pacz_logo_location = 'header_section';
    $pacz_logo_align = 'left' ;

    $header_toolbar_social_location = 'header_toolbar';
    $header_toolbar_social_align = 'right';
    $listing_btn_location = 'header_section';
    $listing_btn_align = 'right';

    $login_reg_btn_location = 'header_toolbar';
    $login_reg_btn_align = 'right';
    $header_align = 'right';

    }else if($preset_headers == 7){
    $pacz_logo_location = 'header_section';
    $pacz_logo_align = 'left' ;

    $header_toolbar_social_location = 'header_toolbar';
    $header_toolbar_social_align = 'right';
    $listing_btn_location = 'header_section';
    $listing_btn_align = 'right';

    $login_reg_btn_location = 'header_toolbar';
    $login_reg_btn_align = 'right';
    $header_align = 'right';

    }else if($preset_headers == 8){
    $pacz_logo_location = 'header_section';
    $pacz_logo_align = 'left' ;

    $header_toolbar_social_location = 'disabled';
    $header_toolbar_social_align = 'right';
    $listing_btn_location = 'header_toolbar';
    $listing_btn_align = 'right';

    $login_reg_btn_location = 'header_toolbar';
    $login_reg_btn_align = 'right';
    $header_align = 'left';
    $logreg_align = 'right';

    }else if($preset_headers == 9){

    }else if($preset_headers == 10){

    }else if($preset_headers == 11){
    $pacz_logo_location = $pacz_settings['header-logo-location'];
    $pacz_logo_align = $pacz_settings['header-logo-align'];

    $header_toolbar_social_location = $pacz_settings['header-social-select'];
    $header_toolbar_social_align = $pacz_settings['header-social-align'];

    $listing_btn_location = $pacz_settings['listing-btn-location'];
    $listing_btn_align = $pacz_settings['listing-btn-align'];

    $login_reg_btn_location = $pacz_settings['header-login-reg-location'];
    $login_reg_btn_align = $pacz_settings['log-reg-btn-align'];
    $header_align = $pacz_settings['header-align'];
    $logreg_align = $pacz_settings['log-reg-btn-align'];

    }else if($preset_headers == 12){
    $pacz_logo_location = $pacz_settings['header-logo-location'];
    $pacz_logo_align = $pacz_settings['header-logo-align'];

    $header_toolbar_social_location = $pacz_settings['header-social-select'];
    $header_toolbar_social_align = $pacz_settings['header-social-align'];

    $listing_btn_location = $pacz_settings['listing-btn-location'];
    $listing_btn_align = $pacz_settings['listing-btn-align'];

    $login_reg_btn_location = 'header_section';
    $login_reg_btn_align = $pacz_settings['log-reg-btn-align'];
    $header_align = $pacz_settings['header-align'];
    $logreg_align = $pacz_settings['log-reg-btn-align'];

    $output = '';

    if ( !is_admin() && ($args->theme_location == 'primary-menu' || $args->theme_location == 'second-menu' || $args->theme_location == 'third-menu' || $args->theme_location == 'fourth-menu' || $args->theme_location == 'fifth-menu' || $args->theme_location == 'sixth-menu' || $args->theme_location == 'seventh-menu') ) {

    do_action( 'responsive_nav_trigger_link' );
    $output .= ob_get_contents();

    do_action( 'margin_style_burger_icon' );
    $output .= ob_get_contents();

    do_action( 'vertical_header_burger_icon' );
    $output .= ob_get_contents();

    do_action('header_contact', 'inside-grid');
    $output .= ob_get_contents();

    $detect_mobile = new Mobile_Detect();

    if($pacz_logo_location == 'header_section' && $preset_headers != 12 && (!$detect_mobile->isMobile())) {
    do_action( 'header_logo' );
    $output .= ob_get_contents();
    $output .= $items;

    if ( class_exists( 'woocommerce' )) {
    if($pacz_settings['checkout-box'] && $pacz_settings['checkout-box-location'] == 'header_section') {
    do_action( 'header_checkout' );
    $output .= ob_get_contents();

    if($pacz_settings['header-search']) {
    do_action( 'header_search' );
    $output .= ob_get_contents();
    if(isset($login_reg_btn_location) && $login_reg_btn_location == 'header_section' && !$detect_mobile->isMobile()) {
    $output .='
  • ';
    $output .= ob_get_contents();
    $output .='
  • ';
    if(isset($listing_btn_location) && $listing_btn_location == 'header_section' && $pacz_settings['listing-btn-url'] && $preset_headers != 12 && !$detect_mobile->isMobile()) {
    do_action( 'nav_listing_btn' );
    $output .= ob_get_contents();
    if($pacz_settings['header-wpml']) {
    do_action( 'header_wpml' );
    $output .= ob_get_contents();

    do_action('header_social', 'inside-grid');
    $output .= ob_get_contents();

    } else {
    $output .= $items;
    return $output;
    add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'add_first_nav_item', 10, 2 );

    * Header Toolbar Social Networks
    if ( !function_exists( 'pacz_header_toolbar_social' ) ) {
    function pacz_header_toolbar_social() {
    global $pacz_settings;

    if($pacz_settings['header-social-select'] == 'disabled') return false;
    if($pacz_settings['header-social-select'] == 'header_section') return false;

    $output = '';

    $output .= '
  • ';

    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-facebook'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-twitter'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-google-plus'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-rss'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-pinterest'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-instagram'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-dribbble'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-linkedin'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-tumblr'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-youtube'])) {
    $output .= '';

    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-vimeo'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-spotify'])) {
    $output .= '';

    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-weibo'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-wechat'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-renren'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-imdb'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-vkcom'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-qzone'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-whatsapp'])) {
    $output .= '';
    if(!empty($pacz_settings['header-social-behance'])) {
    $output .= '';

    $output .= '
  • ';

    echo wp_kses_post($output);


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    Cazipo.com- 2. el ve sıfır ürünlerde en iyi fiyatlarla burada! Güvenle al, kolayca sat!
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