wmaraci reklam

Twitter silinmiş verileri geri alma

2 Mesajlar 655 Okunma
Toplam 2 mesaj ve 655 görüntüleme

AdaletinSesi AdaletinSesi ... Banlı Kullanıcı
  • Üyelik 18.06.2017
  • Yaş/Cinsiyet 42 / E
  • Meslek yok
  • Konum Ankara
  • Ad Soyad M** P**
  • Mesajlar 602
  • Beğeniler 224 / 166
  • Ticaret 4, (%100)
Selamlar arkadaşlar,
Twitter privacy bölümünden silinmiş twitter verilerimi talep ettim. Bir hesapla ilgili olarak şöyle bir cevap geldi:


Once a Tweet is deleted, the Tweet contents, associated metadata, and all analytical information are no longer publicly available. From that point on Tweet contents, associated metadata, and all analytical information are no longer retrievable through our production tools.


Diğer bir hesapla ilgili daha uzun bir mail göndermişler ama anlamadım:

Once a Tweet is deleted, the Tweet contents, associated metadata, and all analytical information are no longer publicly available. From that point on Tweet contents, associated metadata, and all analytical information are no longer retrievable through our production tools.



SAR authentication pushback


When you submit a request for your Twitter data through our Privacy Form, we require 2 factors of identification: confirmation that the request is submitted through the email address associated with the Twitter account and a signed statement with a corresponding ID to confirm your request. These measures are necessary to ensure account security and to help ensure disclosure of account information to the correct party. This ID will only be used to confirm the request, and will be promptly removed from our system once the request is completed.

If you would still like to proceed with your original request for your data after reading this information, please respond to this message with the required documentation and we will follow-up as soon as possible.

Thank you,

SAR disclosure


We are responding to your request for information regarding account, @USERNAME. You can download the information with this URL:


The URL is valid for the next 7 days. You may download the information a total of three times. A brief explanation of the information is included with the download.

General information about the data we collect and how we use it is available in our Privacy Policy (


Acaba silinmiş twitleri nasıl elde edebilirim? Bilgisi olan var mı?



yilmazbaba yilmazbaba WM Aracı Kullanıcı
  • Üyelik 03.07.2020
  • Yaş/Cinsiyet 37 / E
  • Meslek Çağrı merkezi takım lideri
  • Konum İstanbul Anadolu
  • Ad Soyad R** S**
  • Mesajlar 12
  • Beğeniler 0 / 0
  • Ticaret 0, (%0)
Dostum benimde çok hesabım çalındı ve binlerce rt alan twtlerim silindi maalesef ki silinen hiç bir şeyi geri alamıyorsun bunun için baya uğraşman gerek adliyeye gidip twetlerin için dava açman lazım ve bununla kimse uğraşmaz


Konuyu toplam 1 kişi okuyor. (0 kullanıcı ve 1 misafir)
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