Merhaba Arkadaşlar msql veri çekmek istiyorum,
internet üzerinden tam istediğim gibi bir kod buldun excelde her sayfaya ayrı veri atabiliyor sorunum şu mysql bir türlü aldığım verileri yazdıramıyorum deneme amaçlı yazdığım yerdeki verileri mysql çekmek istiyorum rica etsem buna uygun bi kod yazabilirmisiniz şimdiden teşekkürler,

php-excel.class.php dosyası

* Excel_XML

* Class Excel_XML
* A simple export library for dumping array data into an excel
* readable format. Supports OpenOffice Calc as well.
* @author Oliver Schwarz
class Excel_XML

* MicrosoftXML Header for Excel
* @var string
const sHeader = "\n";

* MicrosoftXML Footer for Excel
* @var string
const sFooter = "

* Worksheet & Data
* @var array
private $aWorksheetData;

* Output string
* @var string
private $sOutput;

* Encoding to be used
* @var string
private $sEncoding;

* Constructor
* Instanciates the class allowing a user-defined encoding.
* @param string $sEncoding Charset encoding to be used
public function __construct($sEncoding = 'UTF-8')
$this->sEncoding = $sEncoding;
$this->sOutput = '';

* Add a worksheet
* Creates a new worksheet and adds the given data to it.
* @param string $title Title of worksheet
* @param array $data 2-dimensional array of data
public function addWorksheet($title, $data)
$this->aWorksheetData[] = array(
'title' => $this->getWorksheetTitle($title),
'data' => $data

* Send workbook to browser
* Sends the finished workbook to the browser using PHP's header
* directive.
* @param string $filename Filename to use for sending the workbook
public function sendWorkbook($filename)
if (!preg_match('/\.(xml|xls)$/', $filename)):
throw new Exception('Filename mimetype must be .xml or .xls');
$filename = $this->getWorkbookTitle($filename);
if (preg_match('/\.xls$/', $filename)):
header("Content-Type: application/; charset=" . $this->sEncoding);
header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"" . $filename . "\"");
header("Content-Type: application/xml; charset=" . $this->sEncoding);
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $filename . "\"");
echo $this->sOutput;

* Write workbook to file
* Writes the workbook into the file/path given as a parameters.
* The method checks whether the directory is writable and the
* file is not existing and writes the file.
* @param string $filename Filename to use for writing (must contain mimetype)
* @param string $path Path to use for writing [optional]
public function writeWorkbook($filename, $path = '')
$filename = $this->getWorkbookTitle($filename);
if (!$handle = @fopen($path . $filename, 'w+')):
throw new Exception(sprintf("Not allowed to write to file %s", $path . $filename));
if (@fwrite($handle, $this->sOutput) === false):
throw new Exception(sprintf("Error writing to file %s", $path . $filename));
return sprintf("File %s written", $path . $filename);

* Get workbook output
* Just returns the generated workbook content.
* @return string Output generated by the class
public function getWorkbook()
return $this->sOutput;

* Compatibility: Add an array
* This method implements compatibility to version 1.1. Though using
* self::addWorksheet surely is an improvement, nobody should be
* forced to rewrite his code.
* @param array $data Data to be added
public function addArray($data)
$this->addWorksheet('Table1', $data);

* Compatibility: Generate XML
* This method implements compatibility to version 1.1 and generates
* the excel file.
* @param string $filename Filename (without mimetype)
public function generateXML($filename)
$filename = $this->getWorkbookTitle($filename);
$filename .= '.xls';

* Workbook title correction
* Corrects filename (if necessary) stripping out non-allowed
* characters.
* @param string $filename Desired filename
* @return string Corrected filename
private function getWorkbookTitle($filename)
return preg_replace('/[^aA-zZ0-9\_\-\.]/', '', $filename);

* Worksheet title correction
* Corrects the worksheet title (given by the user) by the allowed
* characters by Excel.
* @param string $title Desired worksheet title
* @return string Corrected worksheet title
private function getWorksheetTitle($title)
$title = preg_replace ("/[\\\|:|\/|\?|\*|\[|\]]/", "", $title);
return substr ($title, 0, 31);

* Generate the workbook
* This is the main wrapper to generate the workbook.
* It will invoke the creation of worksheets, rows and
* columns.
private function generateWorkbook()
$this->sOutput .= stripslashes(sprintf(self::sHeader, $this->sEncoding)) . "\n";
foreach ($this->aWorksheetData as $item):
$this->sOutput .= self::sFooter;

* Generate the Worksheet
* The second wrapper generates the worksheet. When the worksheet
* data seems to be more than the excel allowed maximum lines, the
* array is sliced.
* @param array $item Worksheet data
* @todo Add a security check to testify whether this is an array
private function generateWorksheet($item)
$this->sOutput .= sprintf("\n \n", $item['title']);
if (count($item['data']))
$item['data'] = array_slice($item['data'], 0, 65536);
foreach ($item['data'] as $k => $v):
$this->sOutput .= "

* Generate the single row
* @param array Item with row data
private function generateRow($item)
$this->sOutput .= " \n";
foreach ($item as $k => $v):
$this->sOutput .= "

* Generate the single cell
* @param string $item Cell data
private function generateCell($item)
$type = 'String';
if (is_numeric($item)):
$type = 'Number';
if ($item{0} == '0' && strlen($item) > 1 && $item{1} != '.'):
$type = 'String';
$item = str_replace(''', ''', htmlspecialchars($item, ENT_QUOTES));
$this->sOutput .= sprintf(" %s\n", $type, $item);

* Deconstructor
* Resets the main variables/objects
public function __destruct()



test.php dosyam

require dirname(__FILE__) . '/php-excel.class.php';

$data = array(
0 => array('product_id','name(tr-tr)','categories'),



$data2 = array(
0 => array('Nr.', 'Name', 'E-Mail'),
array(1, 'Oliver Schwarz', ''),
array(2, 'Hasematzel', ''));

$xls = new Excel_XML;
$xls->addWorksheet('products', $data);
$xls->addWorksheet('image', $data2);
