
İngilizce Çeviri

4 Mesajlar 1.138 Okunma
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harpoon harpoon WM Aracı E-Mail Onaysız
  • Üyelik 26.11.2012
  • Yaş/Cinsiyet 42 / E
  • Meslek Yazılım Uzmanı
  • Konum İstanbul Avrupa
  • Ad Soyad M** B**
  • Mesajlar 196
  • Beğeniler 8 / 35
  • Ticaret 2, (%100)
Merhaba almış olduğum domainle ilgili yabancı ülkeden birisi bir mail atmış
Tam olarak çeviremedim. Aramızda bunu çevirebilecek arkadaş varmıdır acaba?

Dear Mustafa Bayram,

How are you? I am contacting you for something that would be beneficial for
both of us, and I thought an email would work best before giving you a
call. Ok let me get into the details.

I am writing to you because I saw you have just registered the domain, and I smell an opportunity that would benefit both of us in
terms of development. I am Mark Andrews, a senior web application developer
from Clearwater, Florida. I'm writing to ask whether would you be
interested in developing as a fully-featured website?

I do not know whether you do web development yourself or looking for a web
developer, either way, I would like to talk with you, since I just feel
that we might have something in between us that could mutually benefit each
other. Following is a strategic proposition for you.

I have something special - I have a huge inventory of coding that I have
collected over the years and usually, only the final website is licensed to
the client and not each and every module. This enables me to create many
kinds of complex sites with the reusing of the modules, and I have done
many applications like auction sites, dating sites, social networking
sites, video sites, recruitment sites, ecommerce applications, plumbing
sites, lawyer sites, small business sites and a lot more within a couple
weeks and have charged, sometimes 1/10th of the going rate. Does it make
sense? With this approach, I save time, which means the client or the web
developer who subcontracts the work will get the project quicker and at a
lower cost than the going rate.

Simply let me know the concept for or any other site you
would need developed (along with a short description) and I will pull up a
few sites from my previous work, which I am sure you would be impressed
about. By not reinventing the wheel (aka going with a bottom up design), I
am sure both of us could benefit. I can pull up almost anything from my
previous work, unless the project concept is very unique. Even for unique
project concepts, I have managed to pull up some closest matches from my
previous work and then only quote for the modifications needed.

I am sure you would see value in what I offer. Just explain the site
concept to get started, and I can send you some very relevant work samples.
You could be surprised with what can be done, how quick and the rates

If you offer web development services too and if you have any unique
concepts to offer, I am all ears.

I await your reply.



ChecK ChecK Kullanıcı
  • Üyelik 27.08.2012
  • Yaş/Cinsiyet 31 / E
  • Meslek Server Uzmanı ve Php Dev.
  • Konum Mersin
  • Ad Soyad H** T**
  • Mesajlar 542
  • Beğeniler 78 / 121
  • Ticaret 28, (%100)
Tam okumadım ama senin domainini beğenmiş ve bir ortaklık teklif ediyor gibi başı özellikler şu cümle "I smell an opportunity that would benefit both of us in
terms of development." ikimizinde yararına olacak bir fırsatın kokusunu alıyorum. Ve

"I am contacting you for something that would be beneficial for
both of us" Sizinle ikimizinde yararına olacak bir şey için iletişime geçtim.


retrospektif retrospektif WM Aracı Kullanıcı
  • Üyelik 17.01.2012
  • Yaş/Cinsiyet - /
  • Meslek
  • Konum
  • Ad Soyad ** **
  • Mesajlar 478
  • Beğeniler 105 / 145
  • Ticaret 7, (%100)
Buna benzer onlarca mail aldım. Hep aynı senaryo. Emin olun sitenizi incelememiştir bile. Lafın kısası, çok yetenekli ama kendine sözde fırsat verilmemiş bir eleman sizinle birlikte çalışmak istiyor! Bildiğiniz spam.


Batuhan Batuhan Kendine webmaster Kullanıcı
  • Üyelik 08.05.2011
  • Yaş/Cinsiyet 28 / E
  • Meslek Öğrenci
  • Konum Ankara
  • Ad Soyad B** B**
  • Mesajlar 3455
  • Beğeniler 783 / 1009
  • Ticaret 1, (%100)
Spam ve bir çeşit phishing.


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