Sayfa Kodu :
<% yz = "Ürünlerimiz" %>
set rs_gallery = server.CreateObject(O)
sql_ek = ""
link_ek = ""
cat_id = getnum("cat_id")
if cat_id <> 0 then
sql_ek = sql_ek & " and urun_kategori=" & cat_id
link_ek = link_ek & "&cat_id="& cat_id
end if
brand_id = getnum("brand_id")
if brand_id <> 0 then
sql_ek = sql_ek & " and urun_marka=" & brand_id
link_ek = link_ek & "&brand_id="& brand_id
end if
arama = getstr("str_ara")
if arama <> "" then
sql_ek = " and urun_adi like '%" & arama & "%' or urun_aciklama like '%" & arama & "%' or urun_tanitim like '%" & arama & "%'"
link_ek = link_ek & "&str_ara="& arama
end if
if cat_id = 0 and brand_id = 0 then
sql_urun = "select * from urun where urun_vitrin = true order by urun_id desc"
sql_urun = "select * from urun where urun_id >= 1" &sql_ek & " order by urun_id desc"
end if sql_urun, baglanti, 1, 3
sayi = rs_gallery.recordcount
pagi = getnum("pagi")
If pagi= 0 Then pagi=1
rs_gallery.pagesize = 30
if not rs_gallery.eof then
sayfalar = true
rs_gallery.absolutepage = pagi
pagi_sayisi = rs_gallery.pagecount
end if
for i=1 to rs_gallery.pagesize
if rs_gallery.eof then
exit for
end if
if rs_gallery("urun_fotograf") = "" then
photo = "template/images/foto_yok.jpg"
photo = "uploads/products/s_" & rs_gallery("urun_fotograf")
end if
<%= rs_gallery("urun_adi") %>
Ürün Grubu: <%= urunkatbul(rs_gallery("urun_kategori")) %>
<%= rs_gallery("urun_tanitim") %>
<% If i mod 2 = 0 then %>
<% End If %>
<% rs_gallery.movenext:next %>
<% If sayfalar = true Then %>
response.Write "Sayfa "
for g = 1 to pagi_sayisi
if g = cint(pagi) then
response.write ""&g& " " %>
<% else
response.Write "" & g & " "
end if
end if
rs_gallery.close %>