header.php eklediğim kod:
Reklam kodunuzu buraya ekleyiniz!!
Detube Teması Reklam Yerleşimi Hk |
3 Mesajlar | 1.051 Okunma |
Reklam kodunuzu buraya ekleyiniz!!
* Header Template
* The header template is generally used on every page of your site. Nearly all other
* templates call it somewhere near the top of the file. It is used mostly as an opening
* wrapper, which is closed with the footer.php file. It also executes key functions needed
* by the theme, child themes, and plugins.
* @package deTube
* @subpackage Template
* @since deTube 1.0
$viewport = 'width=device-width';
$viewport .= ', initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1';
'."\n"; ?>
// Generate CSS Style based on user's settings on Theme Options page
$css = '';
$bgpat = get_option('dp_bgpat');
$bgcolor = get_option('dp_bgcolor');
if($bgpat) {
$preset_bgpat = get_option('dp_preset_bgpat');
$custom_bgpat = get_option('dp_custom_bgpat');
$bgpat = !empty($custom_bgpat) ? $custom_bgpat : $preset_bgpat;
$bgpat = $bgpat ? 'url("'.$bgpat.'")' : '';
$bgpat = apply_filters('dp_bgpat', $bgpat);
$bgrep = get_option('dp_bgrep');
$bgatt = get_option('dp_bgatt');
$bgfull = get_option('dp_bgfull');
$bgpos = 'center top';
$bgsize = '';
if($bgfull) {
$bgrep = 'no-repeat';
$bgatt = 'fixed';
$bgsize .= '-webkit-background-size: cover;
-moz-background-size: cover;
-o-background-size: cover;
background-size: cover;';
$css .= "body{background:".implode(' ', array_filter(array($bgcolor,$bgpat,$bgrep,$bgpos,$bgatt))).";".$bgsize."}\n";
} else {
$css .= 'body{background:'.$bgcolor.'}';
$info_toggle = (int)get_option('dp_info_toggle');
$css .= '.info-less{height:'.$info_toggle.'px;}';
if(!empty($css)) {
echo "\n\n\n\n";
hocam kod böyle bakarmısınız nereye ne ekliycem :)