
TagDiv SpeedBooster ayarlarını yapamadım

3 Mesajlar 1.498 Okunma
Toplam 3 mesaj ve 1.498 görüntüleme

MuratDinc MuratDinc Miyavliyo - WiseKitten Kullanıcı
  • Üyelik 01.11.2012
  • Yaş/Cinsiyet 32 / E
  • Meslek Girişimci
  • Konum Balıkesir
  • Ad Soyad M** D**
  • Mesajlar 1583
  • Beğeniler 207 / 257
  • Ticaret 5, (%100)

Sitem'da Newspaper temasını kullanıyorum. Tema yapımcısı TagDiv, SpeedBooster isminde bir eklenti oluşturmuş. Bu eklenti .js ve .css dosyalarını header yerine footere ekliyor. Yani taşıyor. Desteklenen bir çok eklenti mevcut ancak desteklemeyenleri için kendimiz eklememiz gerekiyor.

Nasıl ekleyeceğimiz buradaki 5. madde de anlatılmış ancak ben doğru olarak ekleyemiyorum. Nasıl eklemem gerektiğini örnek göstererek yada yol haritası belirterek anlatıp yardım ederseniz sevinirim.

Taşınması gereken CSS ve JS dosyaları:
Pagespeed test hatası:

Eklenti dosyasının için:
Plugin Name: tagDiv Speed Booster
Plugin URI:
Description: Speed booster for Newspaper 6 and Newsmag 2.x themes - It moves the styles and all the scripts of the theme to the bottom when needed. It activates internal theme optimizations for better speed and it adds async js .
Author: tagDiv
Version: 4.5
Author URI:
define('TD_SPEED_BOOSTER' , 'v4.5');
class td_speed_booster {
private $style_footer_queue = array(); // here we keep all the stylesheets IDs that we want to move to the footer
private $is_ie = false; // if the browser is detected as IE, treat it differently
// here we keep the theme information
private $td_theme_name = '';
private $td_theme_version = '';
private $td_deploy_mode = '';
private $allowed_plugins = array(
// this class is instantiated at the bottom of this page
function __construct() {
// disable the plugins if there are incompatible plugins
$active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins');
foreach ($active_plugins as $active_plugin) {
if (!in_array($active_plugin, $this->allowed_plugins)) {
define('TD_SPEED_BOOSTER_INCOMPATIBLE' , $active_plugin);
add_action('td_wp_booster_loaded', array($this, 'start_booster'));
/** everything starts from here */
function start_booster() {
// read the theme version and name if defined
if (defined('TD_THEME_VERSION') and defined('TD_THEME_NAME') and defined('TD_DEPLOY_MODE')) {
$this->td_theme_version = TD_THEME_VERSION;
$this->td_theme_name = TD_THEME_NAME;
$this->td_deploy_mode = TD_DEPLOY_MODE;
} else {
// detect IE 8 9 10 11
if (
and (preg_match('~MSIE|Internet Explorer~i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) or (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Trident/7.0; rv:11.0') !== false))
) {
$this->is_ie = true;
// add hooks
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'css_mover'), 1002); // 1002 priority - because visual composer has 1000 and we use 1001 in the wp010 theme
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'js_mover'), 1002); // 1002 priority - because visual composer has 1000 and we use 1001 in the wp010 theme
add_action('wp_footer', array($this, 'render_footer_styles'), 15);
// hide the body only on IE and Newspaper 6+
if (
$this->is_ie === false
) {
add_action('wp_head', array($this, 'hide_body_inline_css'), 15);
* jetpack is 'special' - it has to be moved like this. It has now only one CSS
* the two hooks are needed!
* @since 27.05.2015
add_action('wp_print_styles', array($this, 'jetpack_mover'), 10);
add_action('wp_print_footer_scripts', array($this, 'jetpack_mover'), 10);
* jetpack is 'special' - it has to be moved like this. It has now only one CSS
* @since 27.05.2015
function jetpack_mover() {
/** * here we move the css */
function css_mover() {
//if ($this->td_theme_name == 'Newspaper') { }
// wp 011 - Newspaper 6
$this->move_style_to_footer_queue('bbp-default-bbpress'); //bbpress old
$this->move_style_to_footer_queue('bbp-default'); // bbpress
if ($this->is_ie === false) {
// move style.css theme style
$this->move_style_to_footer_queue('td-theme'); //this is the main style of the theme. It's only moved on Newspaper 6!
$this->move_style_to_footer_queue('td-theme-woo'); //this is the main style of the theme. It's only moved on Newspaper 6!
//@todo test on newsmag
$this->move_style_to_footer_queue('woocommerce_prettyPhoto_css'); //on product page
$this->move_style_to_footer_queue('woocommerce_frontend_styles'); //old woocommerce?
//google fonts
//move revolution slider css
$this->move_style_to_footer_queue('genericons'); //still rev slider
/** move the js */
function js_mover() {
global $wp_scripts;
//detect revmin - revolution slider and do not move jquery, the plugin outputs raw js in the page!
if( !is_admin() and !isset($wp_scripts->registered['revmin'])){
if (is_ssl()) {
$td_protocol = 'https';
} else {
$td_protocol = 'http';
wp_register_script('jquery', ($td_protocol . '://'), true, '1.11.1', true);
/** move javascript to footer */
// replace comment-reply.min.js with inline version
* here we render the footer styles
* the styles are already deregistered when you call @see move_style_to_footer_queue ($style_id)
function render_footer_styles() {
//get the theme version for style
$current_theme_version = $this->td_theme_version;
//on demo mode, auto generate version hourly + day - so we get a fresh css hourly
if ($this->td_deploy_mode == 'demo') {
$current_theme_version = date('jG');
if (isset($this->style_footer_queue['js_composer_front'])) {
$td_theme_value = $this->style_footer_queue['js_composer_front'];
$this->style_footer_queue['js_composer_front'] = $td_theme_value;
if (isset($this->style_footer_queue['td-theme'])) {
// whatever the order, make damn sure that our td-theme style is LAST - we remove it from the queue and add it again at the end
$td_theme_value = $this->style_footer_queue['td-theme'];
$this->style_footer_queue['td-theme'] = $td_theme_value;
if (isset($this->style_footer_queue['td-theme-woo'])) {
// whatever the order, make damn sure that our td-theme style is LAST - we remove it from the queue and add it again at the end
$td_theme_value = $this->style_footer_queue['td-theme-woo'];
$this->style_footer_queue['td-theme-woo'] = $td_theme_value;
// output the new styles
foreach ($this->style_footer_queue as $style_id => $wp_dependency_object) {
if (strrpos($wp_dependency_object->src, '?') === false) {
echo "\n";
} else {
echo "\n";
/** * prevent flickering of the image until the style is loaded */
function hide_body_inline_css() {
echo '';
* the id of the style can be found in the source of the page, for example:
* the id is 'td-theme' (note that the '-css' part is missing)
* using this method you can move other styles if needed
* Moves a style to the bottom of the page
* @param $style_id string - the id of the style
function move_style_to_footer_queue($style_id) {
global $wp_styles;
if (!empty($wp_styles->registered[$style_id]) and !empty($wp_styles->registered[$style_id]->src)) {
$this->style_footer_queue[$style_id] = $wp_styles->registered[$style_id];
* @param $js_id string - the js file id (this is a bit more complex to get) @todo -> add a tutorial about how to get the theme js
function move_js_to_footer($js_id) {
global $wp_scripts;
if (isset($wp_scripts->registered[$js_id])) {
wp_enqueue_script($js_id, ($wp_scripts->registered[$js_id]->src), ($wp_scripts->registered[$js_id]->deps), $wp_scripts->registered[$js_id]->ver, true);

new td_speed_booster();

Şimdiden teşekkürler.


👉 Türkiye'nin En Minnoş Kedi Bloğu Miyaliyo! 😻

BlackFeel57 BlackFeel57 WM Aracı Kullanıcı
  • Üyelik 07.03.2015
  • Yaş/Cinsiyet 34 / E
  • Meslek Seo Editörü
  • Konum İstanbul Avrupa
  • Ad Soyad S** Y**
  • Mesajlar 326
  • Beğeniler 30 / 46
  • Ticaret 1, (%100)
Sonuna kadar aslında görsellerle de güzel anlatmış ama son kısmı ben de anlamadım


sevketozalp sevketozalp WM Aracı Kullanıcı
  • Üyelik 05.02.2016
  • Yaş/Cinsiyet 38 / E
  • Meslek serviz uzmanı
  • Konum İstanbul Avrupa
  • Ad Soyad Ş** Ö**
  • Mesajlar 73
  • Beğeniler 32 / 15
  • Ticaret 12, (%100)
Bende wordpress için js kodlarını footere ekleyen bir eklenti arıyorum öneren varmı basit olsun ama :)


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