enesbulut En Güzel Sadakat,Saygı... Kullanıcı
Karşılama Mesajı

Enes Bulut began his career as a social website and media manager, and then he decided to develop his knowledge and skills on the internet as he realized the need in this sector. First he specialized in software and worked as website analysis expert for DotNet. He offered e-project and etrade consultancy services to many corporation including Essepro Elektronik Ticaret and Çetinler Holding. He also attended various international programs about social media strategies and planning. Enes Bulut currently takes office as digital media expert at Hazar Strategy Institute which aims to contribute to policy and business environment with strategic recommendations on energy, international affairs, logistics, security, economy, education, culture and environment issues.

Kullanıcı Hakkında

  • Ad Soyad E.. B..
  • Üyelik 02.08.2015
  • Yaş/Cinsiyet 34/E
  • Meslek Digital Media Spacialist
  • Konum İstanbul Anadolu
  • Mesajlar 27
  • Beğeniler 6/0
  • Ticaret 1, %100

Ticaret Durumu

  • Ticaret Puanı1
  • Ticaret Yüzdesi%100
  1. OLUMLU 1


  3. OLUMSUZ 0

  1. Olumlu Bildirimler -
  2. Tarafsız Bildirimler -
  3. Olumsuz Bildirimler -

Yeni Ticaret Puanı Gönder

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Site Ayarları
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  • Site Sesleri
  • Bildirimler
  • Özel Mesaj Al