AKDNZ adlı üyeden alıntı

Şimdi baktımda teilabs temayı sıfırdan yazsa daha kolay yaparmış. Bir çok değişiklik gelmiş helal olsun. Böyle yapımcıları takdir ediyorum.
Version 5.0.0 - 06-02-2015
- NEW FEATURE: New Mega menus module with 3 different layouts.
- NEW FEATURE: Option to add icons for the main nav menu item.
- NEW FEATURE: Full width layout.
- NEW FEATURE: New boxed layout.
- NEW FEATURE: Grid Featured Posts Slider.
- NEW FEATURE: Lazy Load for images with option to enable/disable it.
- NEW FEATURE: Views system.
- NEW FEATURE: Out of canvas mobile menu.
- NEW FEATURE: Live Search with option to enable/disable it.
- NEW FEATURE: New WooCommerce block in the Page builder with 2 layouts.
- NEW FEATURE: Removed the old review system and Integrate Taqyeem Plugin save 16$.
- NEW FEATURE: Option to add a custom title for the review box .
- NEW FEATURE: Review for custom post types.
- NEW FEATURE: Taqyeem - Predefined Criteria Addon save 6$
- NEW FEATURE: Integrated Taqyeem Buttons Addon save 5$.
- NEW FEATURE: Fly check also box with option to set its position, number of posts and query type.
- NEW FEATURE: Option to disable the Fly check also box for specific posts .
- NEW FEATURE: Masonry Page Template.
- NEW FEATURE: Media Page Template .
- NEW FEATURE: Removed the old Social Counter module and Integrate Arqam Lite Social Counter Plugin.
- NEW FEATURE: Google+ Page Followers.
- NEW FEATURE: Delicious Followers.
- NEW FEATURE: Forrst Followers.
- NEW FEATURE: RSS Subscribers Number ( / Manual ).
- NEW FEATURE: Option for colored social counter icons.
- NEW FEATURE: Option for colored border social counter icons.
- NEW FEATURE: New animation effect social counter.
- NEW FEATURE: Weather Widget.
- NEW FEATURE: New Shortcode GUI.
- NEW FEATURE: Set custom title for the about author box shortcode.
- NEW FEATURE: New style for the Timeline page template.
- NEW FEATURE: Timeline layout for archives.
- NEW FEATURE: Masonry with sidebar layout for archives .
- NEW FEATURE: Option to set custom layout for categories pages .
- NEW FEATURE: Option to customize the layout of each category
- NEW FEATURE: Option to set custom layout for tags pages .
- NEW FEATURE: Option to set custom layout for Authors pages .
- NEW FEATURE: Option to set custom layout for search results pages .
- NEW FEATURE: Show the search bar in mobiles.
- NEW FEATURE: New option to set the number of related posts in the full width pages.
- NEW FEATURE: Option to show most viewed posts in the posts list widget.
- NEW FEATURE: Option to show most viewed posts in the Tabbed widget.
- NEW FEATURE: Icons for post meta info.
- NEW FEATURE: Ad Space below the header.
- NEW FEATURE: New Media uploader.
- NEW FEATURE: Smooth Scroll effect.
- NEW FEATURE: New modern dashboard styles.
- NEW FEATURE: Typography option for Blockquotes.
- NEW FEATURE: Ability to add multiple Categories tabs box.
- NEW FEATURE: Ability to change the position of Categories tabs boxes.
- NEW FEATURE: Ability to add more than twitter widget with different accounts.
- NEW FEATURE: Option to show social icons in Gray without background.
- NEW FEATURE: Soundcloud match post and theme color.
- NEW FEATURE: Modern Flat share Buttons.
- NEW FEATURE: Colored read more button.
- NEW FEATURE: Allow zoom on mobiles.
- NEW FEATURE: Custom slider multiple uploader.
- NEW FEATURE: Option to set the background color of the main navigation and the inner border.
- NEW FEATURE: Options to show the search and social icons in the header top area .
- NEW FEATURE: Option to hide thumbnails in categories blocks.
- NEW FEATURE: Added Lightbox library.
- NEW FEATURE: Option to enable Lightbox automatically for all images in the post content area.
- NEW FEATURE: Option to choose the lightbox skin ( 6 skins available ).
- NEW FEATURE: Option to enable/disable thumbnails in lightbox.
- NEW FEATURE: Option to show arrows in lightbox.
- NEW FEATURE: Option to show the videos in the video block in lightbox.
- NEW FEATURE: 404 Error page redesigned.
- NEW FEATURE: Add class for all ads spaces to use it with adblock plugins.
- NEW FEATURE: Icons for Buttons shortcode .
- NEW FEATURE: Homepage boxes colors.
- NEW FEATURE: New Responsive Version.
- NEW FEATURE: New Menu CSS animation.
- NEW FEATURE: Remove Query Strings From Static Resources to improve the load speed.
- NEW FEATURE: Added 10 new background patterns.
- NEW FEATURE: New design for tabs, toggle shortcodes.
- NEW FEATURE: Added cart icon to main nav with option to disable it.
- NEW FEATURE: Added a Timeline Widget.
- NEW FEATURE: Author cover image.
- NEW FEATURE: Cover posts layout.
- NEW FEATURE: Parallax effect.
- NEW FEATURE: New position for the related posts module.
- NEW FEATURE: New today's date design.
- NEW FEATURE: Support for Self Hosted Videos.
- NEW FEATURE: Full width images style.
- NEW FEATURE: New Smart Stick Navigation.
- NEW FEATURE: Option to show site logo in the Sticky Navigation.
- NEW FEATURE: Print styles for posts .
- NEW FEATURE: Added light bulb, thumbs up, thumbs down, plus, minus, heart and cons lists shortcode.
- NEW FEATURE: New 7 colors for highlight text shortcode.
- NEW FEATURE: New 5 Dividers styles shortcode.
- NEW FEATURE: New Padding shortcode.
- NEW FEATURE: Sticky Sidebar with option to enable/disable, and option to disable it on some pages.
- NEW FEATURE: Option to set custom background for the mega menu.
- NEW FEATURE: Added Translation tab to TiePanel.
- NEW FEATURE: Option to show the tag description.
- NEW FEATURE: Option to change the order of tabs in tabbed widget .
- NEW FEATURE: Added share buttons to the pages.
- NEW FEATURE: Option to add Custom Social Networks.
- NEW FEATURE: Content Slideshow shortcode.
- NEW FEATURE: Added Instagramy plugin save 15$.
- NEW FEATURE: Option to use post's short link in share buttons.
- NEW FEATURE: Builder in pages.
- NEW FEATURE: Translatable backend.
- NEW FEATURE: New Timeline block in the homepage builder.
- NEW FEATURE: New Post Content block in the homepage builder.
- NEW FEATURE: New big thumb block in the homepage builder.
- NEW FEATURE: New masonry block in the homepage builder .
- NEW FEATURE: Hide box title if the title field is empty.
- NEW FEATURE: Option to show share buttons in recent posts blocks.
- NEW FEATURE: Option to set slider type for each category.
- NEW FEATURE: Option to set slider animation and speed for each category.
- NEW FEATURE: Option to set slider posts number for each category.
- NEW FEATURE: RTL Dashboard Support.
- NEW FEATURE: New Design for Categories widget.
- NEW FEATURE: New Design for WooCommerce pages.
- NEW FEATURE: New Modern design for tables.
- NEW FEATURE: New Design for bbpress.
- NEW FEATURE: New Design for buddypress .
- NEW FEATURE: New Design for Comments section.
- NEW FEATURE: New Design for Add Comment form .
- NEW FEATURE: Logo Margin bottom option.
- NEW FEATURE: Display the number of comments in popular posts widgets.
- NEW FEATURE: Font awesome 4.2.0 Added.
- NEW FEATURE: Added new Foursquare icon.
- Improved: Theme Speed.
- Improved: Default WordPress widgets style.
- Improved: Highlight the shop page in the main nav when browsing a product.
- improved: Theme Updates notifier.
- Improved: SSL issues.
- Improved: Images and captions.
- Improved: Twitter widget design.
- Improved: Theme overall clean design.
- Improved: bbPress Widget style.
- Improved: Child theme issues.
- Improved: Custom slider columns added.
- Improved: Replace main nav bg image with color.
- Improved: Videos widget.
- Improved: Flex Slider navigation style.
- Improved: Theme files organisation.
- Improved: Check list and stars, loading font icon.
- Improved: Blockquote style.
- Improved: Buttons shortcode style.
- Improved: Scrolling box.
- Improved: Flickr widget.
- Improved: Search widget.
- Improved: About author box.
- Improved: Authors page layout.
- Improved: Best reviews page layout.
- Improved: Responsive videos.
- Improved: Readable css and js codes.
- Fixed: All known php notices.
- Fixed: Breaking News ticker Bug.
- Fixed: Box shadow bug.
- Fixed: Highlight home menu item on WPML languages home pages.
- Fixed: Exclude pages from search bug with bbPress.
- fixed: bug in the import/export feature.
- Fixed: Spelling issues.
- Fixed: Bug in flexSlider horizontal rtl.
- Fixed: Store the default data after installing the theme.
- Fixed: OG title bug with some plugins.
- Removed: Feed Page Template, use [feed] shortcode instead.
- Removed: Timthumb for security reasons.
- Updated: Flex slider.
- And other improvements and minor bug fixes.


Korkmanızı gerektirecek bir durum olduğunu düşünmüyorum, sahifayı hiç kullanmadım fakat tema panelinde tema ayarlarını bilgisayara kayıt etmenize yarayan bir buton koymuş olabilirler oradan tema ayarlarınızı alın. Eski tema dosyalarınızıda ftpden bilgisayarınıza kayıt edin. Daha sonra themeforestten indirdiğiniz yeni tema dosyalarını aynı yere yükleyin ve üzerine yazın. Değiştirilme ile ilgili tüm uyarıları kabul edin. Sıkıntısız güncellenecektir.

Ben de baktım, aynen. Acaip değişiklik var. Baştan tüm siteyi dizayn etmem gerekecek bnm de şmdi =) Umarım dediğin gibi sorun çıkmaz. Cevabınız için teşekkür ederim.