CEO <-- Bu adresten domainimi satmakla hala ilgilenip ilgilenmediğimi (spam olmayan) soran bir mail geldi. Olumlu cevap verdim. Sonra aşağıdaki mail geldi. Dolandırma vb. amaçlı mı ciddi bir alıcı mı sizce ? Şimdiden teşekkurler.

My client offers $20,000.

Before we proceed with the sale, my client needs an official certificate of price (appraisal) as a proof of your market price. He also needs to know you have no trademark problems. It won't be a problem for you since some official appraisers include this option (trademark infringement verification) as a part of the appraisal service.

Without the appraisal he cannot be 100% sure in the final sale price. The appraisal will help determine the true value of your domain's worth so you can maximize profits during the sale. On the other hand, it will minimize his risks too.

To avoid mistakes and wasting money on useless automated services I asked in the forum about reliable manual valuation/TM verification services. Please read this: '''' ”Domain Broker” is my nickname).

The process is very easy:

1. Go to the certificate agency site and order an appraisal certificate. Just submit your domains and let them know you have a buyer with $XX,XXX offer and need a valuation near this value. After several hours you will get the results. If the price in your certificate comes higher we will increase our offer accordingly.

2. After you get the appraisal certificate with the TM verification, please send the results via email and we’ll proceed with the deal.

If you are new to this process, I can help you with step by step instructions.