Arkadaşlar Öncelikle merhaba Herkese Kolay gelsin..
Benim Sorum şu aşağıdaki 3 case ayrı ayrı çalışıyor Ben bunu tek case haline nasıl dönüştürebilirim.

case "s_urun_tip1"

cmd="select urun_tip1, count(urun_tip1) from order_list WHERE "& _
"order_no like '%" & look_order_no & _
"%' and customer like '%" & look_customer & _
"%' and "& select_start_date &" >= #"& start_date &"# and "& select_end_date &" <= #"& end_date & _
"# group by urun_tip1 "

case "s_urun_tip2"

cmd="select urun_tip2, count(urun_tip2) from order_list WHERE "& _
"order_no like '%" & look_order_no & _
"%' and customer like '%" & look_customer & _
"%' and "& select_start_date &" >= #"& start_date &"# and "& select_end_date &" <= #"& end_date & _
"# group by urun_tip2 "

case "s_urun_tip3"

cmd="select urun_tip3, count(urun_tip3) from order_list WHERE "& _
"order_no like '%" & look_order_no & _
"%' and customer like '%" & look_customer & _
"%' and "& select_start_date &" >= #"& start_date &"# and "& select_end_date &" <= #"& end_date & _
"# group by urun_tip3 "