Googlebot found an increase in authorization permission errors on
Google Search Console Team
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6 gün önceAyrıntılar
Message type: [WNC-652500]
Search Console
Googlebot found an increase in authorization permission errors on

To: Webmaster of,

Googlebot has identified that an increased number of URLs on cannot be accessed without permission. Specifically, these pages either present a login page or return a forbidden response code (HTTP 403). As a result, users might not be able to access your content at all, and Google might not be able to show your pages.

Recommended Actions:

Identify blocked URLs
Open the Crawl Errors report in your Search Console account to review the errors reported for your site’s URLs.
Check Crawl Errors
Fix the issue
Check your CMS settings and your server settings to make sure that they’re not returning a forbidden response code (HTTP 403) to fetch requests. You may need help from your server administrator or hoster for this step.
Verify the fix
Once you've fixed the URLs with errors, make sure that Googlebot can access and see your content properly.Verify this using Fetch as Google.
Fetch as Google
Use our help resources

• See the Crawl Errors-Access denied errors Help Center article.
• See how to block URLs with robots.txt.
• Ask questions in our forum for more help - mention message type [WNC-652500].
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Googlebot cannot access CSS and JS files on
G28 Tem
Google Search Console Te.
Message type: [WNC-658001] Search Console Googlebot cannot access CSS and JS files on http://www.

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