Garanti Sanal Pos Kodlari asagidadir. Kodlari kopyalayip garantisanalpos.php olarak kaydederek WHMCS nin kurulu oldugu dizinde modules/gateway klasörü icine ftp ile gönderiniz. Daha sonra ise whmcs nin admin bölümüne girerek ödeme seklini ekleyip, Magaza No, api id ve sifrenizi yazip kullanmaya baslayabilirsiniz. Unutmayin YTL icin lütfen 840 kullaniniz, bankaniz dolar kuru icin onay vermez.

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# GARANTIBANK Credit Card Payment Gateway Module

$GATEWAYMODULE["garantisanalposvisiblename"]="Garanti Sanal Pos";

function garantisanalpos_activate() {
defineGatewayField("garantisanalpos","text","merchantid","","Merchant ID","20","");
defineGatewayField("garantisanalpos","text","merchantpw","","Merchant Password","20","");
defineGatewayField("garantisanalpos","text","merchantnumber","","Merchant Number","20","");
defineGatewayField("garantisanalpos","text","isokod","","Isokod 949 YTL - 840 USD","10","");
defineGatewayField("garantisanalpos","yesno","testmode","","Test Mode","","");

function garantisanalpos_link($params) {

return $code;

function garantisanalpos_capture($params) {
if ($params["testmode"]=="on") {
$gateway_url = "";
} else {
$gateway_url = "";
$name=$params['merchantid']; //GarantiSanalPos Merchant ID
$password=$params['merchantpw']; //GarantiSanalPos Merchant Password
$clientid=$params['merchantnumber']; //GarantiSanalPos Merchant Number
$isokod=$params['isokod']; // GarantiSanalPos isokod 949 YTL 840 USD
$ip=GetHostByName($REMOTE_ADDR); //Client IP address
$type="Auth"; //Auth - PreAuth
$email=$params["clientdetails"]["email"]; //Client Email
$oid=$params['invoiceid']; //Order ID ,
$ccno=$params['cardnum']; //Client Credit Card Number
$ccay=substr($params['cardexp'],0,2); //Credit Card Exp. Month
$ccyil=substr($params['cardexp'],2,2); //Credit Card Exp. Year
$tutar=$params['amount']; //Total Amount Exp. 11.99
$cv2=$params['cccvv']; //Credit Card CVV2 number

//Client Details

// XML request template
$request= "DATA=







//parameters writing XML


//parameters writing XML BILLTO and SHIPTO

$ch = curl_init(); // initialize curl handle
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$gateway_url); // set url to post to
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST,1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER,0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); // return into a variable
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 90); // times out after 90s
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $request); // add POST fields
$result = curl_exec($ch); // run the whole process

if (curl_errno($ch)) {
$error = curl_error($ch);
logTransaction("Garanti Sanal Pos","Error => $error","Error");
sendMessage("Credit Card Payment Failed",$params['invoiceid']);
return $result;
} else {
$Response ="";
$OrderId ="";
$AuthCode ="";
$ProcReturnCode ="";
$ErrMsg ="";
$posf = strpos ( $result, ("<" . $response_tag . ">") );
$posl = strpos ( $result, ("") ) ;
$posf = $posf+ strlen($response_tag) +2 ;
$Response = substr ( $result, $posf, $posl - $posf) ;
$posf = strpos ( $result, ("<" . $response_tag . ">") );
$posl = strpos ( $result, ("") ) ;
$posf = $posf+ strlen($response_tag) +2 ;
$OrderId = substr ( $result, $posf , $posl - $posf ) ;
$posf = strpos ( $result, "<" . $response_tag . ">" );
$posl = strpos ( $result, "" ) ;
$posf = $posf+ strlen($response_tag) +2 ;
$AuthCode = substr ( $result, $posf , $posl - $posf ) ;
$posf = strpos ( $result, "<" . $response_tag . ">" );
$posl = strpos ( $result, "" ) ;
$posf = $posf+ strlen($response_tag) +2 ;
$ProcReturnCode = substr ( $result, $posf , $posl - $posf ) ;
$posf = strpos ( $result, "<" . $response_tag . ">" );
$posl = strpos ( $result, "" ) ;
$posf = $posf+ strlen($response_tag) +2 ;
$ErrMsg = substr ( $result, $posf , $posl - $posf ) ;
$debugdata = "Action => Auth\nClient => ".$params['clientdetails']['firstname']." ".$params['clientdetails']['lastname']."\nResponse => $Response\nOrderId => $OrderId\nAuthCode => $AuthCode\nProcReturnCode => $ProcReturnCode\nErrMsg => $ErrMsg";

if ( $Response === "Approved") {
logTransaction("Garanti Sanal Pos",$debugdata,"Successful");
sendMessage("Credit Card Payment Confirmation",$params['invoiceid']);
return $result;
} else {
logTransaction("Garanti Sanal Pos",$debugdata,"Declined");
sendMessage("Credit Card Payment Failed",$params['invoiceid']);
return $result;



