Merhaba Arkadaşlar

MyBB 1.6 Sürümünden İmpex İle vBulletine Geçmek İstiyorum Plesk Panel Var. Ancak İmport Ederken Daha İlk Adımda

Altering tables

ImpEx will now Alter the tables in the vB database to include import id numbers.

This is needed during the import process for maintaining refrences between the tables during an import.If you have large tables (i.e. lots of posts) this can take some time.
They will also be left after the import if you need to link back to the origional vB userid.

moderator - importmoderatorid OK
usergroup - importusergroupid OK
ranks - importrankid OK
poll - importpollid OK
forum - importforumid OK
forum - importcategoryid OK
user - importuserid OK
style - importstyleid OK
thread - importthreadid OK
post - importthreadid OK
thread - importforumid OK
smilie - importsmilieid OK
pmtext - importpmid OK
avatar - importavatarid OK
customavatar - importcustomavatarid OK
customprofilepic - importcustomprofilepicid OK
post - importpostid OK
attachment - importattachmentid OK
pm - importpmid OK
usernote - importusernoteid OK
phrase - importphraseid OK
subscription - importsubscriptionid OK
subscriptionlog - importsubscriptionlogid OK Failed Check database permissions and connection, or table prefix to ensure its correct

Hata ile Karşılaşıyorum

Failed Check database permissions and connection, or table prefix to ensure its correct Uyarısını Alıyorum.

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