Sürekli mail alıyorum bu ne demek oluyor böyle bi hakalrı var mı ? yarıdmcı olabilir misiniz ?

We are writing on behalf of the Entertainment Software Association (“ESA”), a U.S. trade association that represents the interests of the leading publishers of interactive games for video game consoles, personal computers, handheld devices and the Internet.[1] We are authorized to act on behalf of the ESA members identified in footnote one to protect their intellectual property rights in published works when such works are subject to copyright infringement. We are writing to notify you of the extensive infringement of ESA-member copyrights that we believe in good faith to be occurring by virtue of the operation of your website, .com(“Website”).

[1] ESA member companies include, but are not limited to: 505 Games, Activision Publishing, Inc., Blizzard Entertainment, Capcom USA, Inc., Electronic Arts (EA), Epic Games, Inc., Konami Digital Entertainment, Microsoft Corporation, Namco Bandai Games America Inc., Nintendo of America Inc., Sony Interactive Entertainment, Square Enix, Inc., Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc., and Ubisoft Entertainment, Inc.