8. Public Domain Content.

A work designated on the Website or otherwise by us as being "Public Domain Content" or otherwise as being in the public domain (collectively, "Public Domain Content") is designated as such when we believe that the works is considered under copyright laws of the United States to be in the public domain. However, such work may not be considered to be in the public domain in other counties and notwithstanding the foregoing or anything else in this Agreement, we assume no responsibility whatsoever, and you are solely responsible, for reviewing the Content Information and if necessary confirming that the Public Domain Content is in fact in the public domain in the United States and every other country where it or Works For Distribution including it will be used, copied, distributed, transmitted, broadcast, telecast, displayed or performed or derivative works created based thereon and obtaining any rights that are legally required with regard thereto.
Notwithstanding anything else in this agreement, the restrictions in Sections 4 (c), (e), (f) and (h) and 7 and the warranties in Section 9 (a) and (b) and 10 do not apply to Public Domain Content.
Generally, no releases have been obtained for any Third Party IP or musical, dramatic, choreographic or literary work depicted, performed or contained in Public Domain Content, so to the extent that any Public Domain Content depicts or contains any of the same, it should be considered to be Editorial Content.


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