arkadaslar python ogreniyorum da bi python odevinde bu problemi nasil coze bilirim sizce
Problem 1 In this problem, you are expected to write a Python program “”.
You should implement a Python function avgFirstThreeDigit() that, when a given list of 3-4 or 5 digit
integers, returns the average of sum of the first three digits of each integers in the reversed order.
Read data from “Integers.txt”, and put them in a list named ListIntegers. Please do not forget use
semicolon as delimiter.
A sample input-output is provided below:
#Read data from file, do not implement list shown below. It is just a sample.
ListIntegers = [18957, 30647, 4653, 1230, 168, 501, 99985, 87965, 534]
output= avgFirstThreeDigit(ListIntegers)
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