Gucluyazar cümle var cümle var hocam, hangi cümleyi anlıyorsunuz:D

Mesela şu metne bakın. Aşağı yukarı upp-int düzeyinde bir metin.

Pricing carbon emissions through a carbon tax is one of the most powerful incentives that governments have to encourage companies and households to pollute less by investing in cleaner technologies and adopting greener practices. A carbon tax is a fee placed on greenhouse gas pollution mainly from burning fossil fuels. This can be done by placing a surcharge on carbon-based fuels and other sources of pollution such as industrial processes.

A carbon tax puts a monetary price on the real costs imposed on our economy, our communities and our planet by greenhouse gas emissions and the global warming they cause. A shift by households, businesses and industry to cleaner technologies increases the demand for energy-efficient products and helps spur innovation and investment in green solutions.

Bu metne baktığınızda anlıyor musunuz? Dil bilgisi yoksa metni anlamanız da zor çünkü metinde relative cümleler var, passive cümleler var, bağlaçlar var şu var bu var.