* Define the supporting functions.
* @since 0.2.6
* @package Age_Verify\Functions

// Don't allow this file to be accessed directly.
if ( ! defined( 'WPINC' ) ) {

* Prints the minimum age.
* @since 0.1.0
* @see av_get_minimum_age();
* @return void
function av_minimum_age() {

echo av_get_minimum_age();

* Get the minimum age to view restricted content.
* @since 0.1.0
* @return int $minimum_age The minimum age to view restricted content.
function av_get_minimum_age() {

$minimum_age = get_option( '_av_minimum_age', 21 );

* Filter the minimum age.
* @since 0.1.0
* @param int $minimum_age The minimum age to view restricted content.
$minimum_age = apply_filters( 'av_minimum_age', $minimum_age );

return (int) $minimum_age;

* Get the visitor's age based on input.
* @since 0.1.5
* @param string $year The visitor's birth year.
* @param string $month The visitor's birth month.
* @param $day $day The visitor's birth day.
* @return int $age The calculated age.
function av_get_visitor_age( $year, $month, $day ) {

$age = 0;

$birthday = new DateTime( $year . '-' . $month . '-' . $day );

$phpversion = phpversion();

if ( $phpversion >= '5.3' ) :

$current = new DateTime( current_time( 'mysql' ) );
$age = $birthday->diff( $current );
$age = $age->format( '%y' );

else :

list( $year, $month, $day ) = explode( '-', $birthday->format( 'Y-m-d' ) );

$year_diff = date_i18n( 'Y' ) - $year;
$month_diff = date_i18n( 'm' ) - $month;
$day_diff = date_i18n( 'd' ) - $day;

if ( $month_diff < 0 )
elseif ( ( $month_diff == 0 ) && ( $day_diff < 0 ) )

$age = $year_diff;


return (int) $age;


* Get the cookie duration.
* This lets us know how long to keep a visitor's
* verified cookie.
* @since 0.1.0
* @return int $cookie_duration The cookie duration.
function av_get_cookie_duration() {

$cookie_duration = get_option( '_av_cookie_duration', 720 );

* Filter the cookie duration.
* @since 0.1.0
* @param int $cookie_duration The cookie duration.
$cookie_duration = (int) apply_filters( 'av_cookie_duration', $cookie_duration );

return $cookie_duration;

* Determines whether only certain content should be restricted.
* @since 0.2.0
* @return bool $only_content_restricted Whether the restriction is content-specific or site-wide.
function av_only_content_restricted() {

$only_content_restricted = ( 'content' == get_option( '_av_require_for' ) ) ? true : false;

* Filter whether the restriction is content-specific or site-wide.
* @since 0.2.0
* @param bool $only_content_restricted
$only_content_restricted = apply_filters( 'av_only_content_restricted', $only_content_restricted );

return (bool) $only_content_restricted;

* Determines if a certain piece of content is restricted.
* @since 0.2.0
* @return bool $is_restricted Whether a certain piece of content is restricted.
function av_content_is_restricted( $id = null ) {

if ( is_null( $id ) ) {
$id = get_the_ID();

$is_restricted = ( 1 == get_post_meta( $id, '_av_needs_verify', true ) ) ? true : false;

* Filter whether this content should be restricted.
* @since 0.2.6
* @param bool $is_restricted Whether this content should be restricted.
* @param int $id The content's ID.
$is_restricted = apply_filters( 'av_is_restricted', $is_restricted, $id );

return $is_restricted;

* This is the very important function that determines if a given visitor
* needs to be verified before viewing the site. You can filter this if you like.
* @since 0.1
* @return bool
function av_needs_verification() {

// Assume the visitor needs to be verified
$return = true;

// If the site is restricted on a per-content basis, let 'em through
if ( av_only_content_restricted() ) :

$return = false;

// If the content being viewed is restricted, throw up the form
if ( is_singular() && av_content_is_restricted() )
$return = true;


// Check that the form was at least submitted. This lets visitors through that have cookies disabled.
$nonce = ( isset( $_REQUEST['age-verified'] ) ) ? $_REQUEST['age-verified'] : '';

if ( wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'age-verified' ) )
$return = false;

// If logged in users are exempt, and the visitor is logged in, let 'em through
if ( get_option( '_av_always_verify', 'guests' ) == 'guests' && is_user_logged_in() )
$return = false;

// Or, if there is a valid cookie let 'em through
if ( isset( $_COOKIE['age-verified'] ) )
$return = false;

return (bool) apply_filters( 'av_needs_verification', $return );

/******************** Display Functions ********************/

* Echoes the overlay heading
* @since 0.1
* @echo string
function av_the_heading() {

echo av_get_the_heading();

* Returns the overlay heading. You can filter this if you like.
* @since 0.1
* @return string
function av_get_the_heading() {

return sprintf( apply_filters( 'av_heading', get_option( '_av_heading', __( 'Bu siteyi ziyaret etmek için %s yaşında olmalısınız.', 'age-verify' ) ) ), av_get_minimum_age() );

* Echoes the overlay description, which lives below the heading and above the form.
* @since 0.1
* @echo string
function av_the_desc() {

echo av_get_the_desc();

* Returns the overlay description, which lives below the heading and above the form.
* You can filter this if you like.
* @since 0.1
* @return string|false
function av_get_the_desc() {

$desc = apply_filters( 'av_description', get_option( '_av_description', __( 'Please verify your age', 'age-verify' ) ) );

if ( ! empty( $desc ) )
return $desc;
return false;

* Returns the form's input type, based on the settings.
* You can filter this if you like.
* @since 0.1
* @return string
function av_get_input_type() {

return apply_filters( 'av_input_type', get_option( '_av_input_type', 'dropdowns' ) );

* Returns the overlay box's background color
* You can filter this if you like.
* @since 0.1
* @return string
function av_get_overlay_color() {

if ( get_option( '_av_overlay_color' ) )
$color = get_option( '_av_overlay_color' );
$color = 'fff';

return apply_filters( 'av_overlay_color', $color );

* Returns the overlay's background color
* You can filter this if you like.
* @since 0.1
* @return string
function av_get_background_color() {

if ( current_theme_supports( 'custom-background' ) )
$default = get_background_color();
$default = 'e6e6e6';

if ( get_option( '_av_bgcolor' ) )
$color = get_option( '_av_bgcolor' );
$color = $default;

return apply_filters( 'av_background_color', $color );

* Echoes the actual form
* @since 0.1
* @echo string
function av_verify_form() {

echo av_get_verify_form();

* Returns the all-important verification form.
* You can filter this if you like.
* @since 0.1
* @return string
function av_get_verify_form() {

$input_type = av_get_input_type();

$submit_button_label = apply_filters( 'av_form_submit_label', __( 'Siteye Giriş »', 'age-verify' ) );

$form = '';

$form .= '

/* Parse the errors, if any */
$error = ( isset( $_GET['verify-error'] ) ) ? $_GET['verify-error'] : false;

if ( $error ) :

// Catch-all error
$error_string = apply_filters( 'av_error_text_general', __( 'Malesef birşeyler ters gitti lütfen tekrar deneyin.', 'age-verify' ) );

// Visitor didn't check the box (only for the simple checkbox form)
if ( $error == 2 )
$error_string = apply_filters( 'av_error_text_not_checked', __( 'Devam etmeden önce yaşınızı onaylamak için kutuyu işaretleyin', 'age-verify' ) );

// Visitor isn't old enough
if ( $error == 3 )
$error_string = apply_filters( 'av_error_text_too_young', __( 'Üzgünün yaşınız siteye girmek için tutmuyor.', 'age-verify' ) );

// Visitor entered an invalid date
if ( $error == 4 )
$error_string = apply_filters( 'av_error_text_bad_date', __( 'Lütfen geçerli bir tarih giriniz.', 'age-verify' ) );

$form .= '

' . esc_html( $error_string ) . '



do_action( 'av_form_before_inputs' );

// Add a sweet nonce. So sweet.
$form .= wp_nonce_field( 'verify-age', 'av-nonce' );

switch ( $input_type ) {

// If set to date dropdowns
case 'dropdowns' :

$form .= '

- -



// If set to date inputs
case 'inputs' :

$form .= '

- -



// If just a simple checkbox
case 'checkbox' :

$form .= '




do_action( 'av_form_after_inputs' );

$form .= '


$form .= '


$form .= '

return apply_filters( 'av_verify_form', $form );

/*************** User Registration Functions ***************/

* Determines whether or not users need to verify their age before
* registering for the site. You can filter this if you like.
* @since 0.1
* @return bool
function av_confirmation_required() {

if ( get_option( '_av_membership', 1 ) == 1 )
$return = true;
$return = false;

return (bool) apply_filters( 'av_confirmation_required', $return );

* Adds a checkbox to the default WordPress registration form for
* users to verify their ages. You can filter the text if you like.
* @since 0.1
* @echo string
function av_register_form() {

$text = '


echo $text;

* Make sure the user checked the box when registering.
* If not, print an error. You can filter the error's text if you like.
* @since 0.1
* @return bool
function av_register_check( $login, $email, $errors ) {

if ( ! isset( $_POST['_av_confirm_age'] ) )
$errors->add( 'empty_age_confirm', 'ERROR: ' . apply_filters( 'av_registration_error', __( 'Lütfen yaşınızı onaylayın', 'age-verify' ) ) );