Bir emlak sistemi hazırlıyorum ancak. arama kısmı oluşturdum ve sıkıntım var. ama nedir sorun anlayamadım kodu paylaşıyorum.
Sorun şu; il seçiliyor ama il seçildikten sonra seçilen ile ait eklenmiş olan ilçeler çıkmıyor
fonksiyonlarda mı hata yaptım acaba?
şimdiden teşekkürler.
function frmSubmitSearch() {
var frm = document.frmSearch;
Error = "";
validateZeroOne(frm.City, '=($_SESSION['QuestionSelectCity'])?>');
if (Error=='') {
if (frm.township_id.value == -1) {
Error = '=($_SESSION['QuestionSelectTownShip'])?>';
if (Error=='')
return true;
return false;
function myFormSubmitSearch() {
if (frmSubmitSearch() ) {
} else {
return false;
function frmSubmitMailList() {
var frm = document.frmMailList;
Error = "";
validateNotEmpty(frm.first_last_name, '=($_SESSION['QuestionFirstLastName'])?>');
if (Error=='')
validateEmail(, '=($_SESSION['QuestionEmail'])?>');
if (Error=='')
return true;
return false;
function myFormSubmitMailList() {
if (frmSubmitMailList() ) {
} else {
return false;
function SelectTownShip() {
document.frmSearch.township_id.value = document.getElementById("TownShip").value;
![](online.php) |
![](images/spacer.gif) |
![](images/spacer.gif) |
=($_SESSION['Services'])?> |
![](images/spacer.gif) |
$sql = "select * from t_services where ParentID='0' and PageLang='".$_SESSION['Lang']."' and PageType='Services' and Visible='1' order by Seq asc";
$qrServices = mysql_query($sql);
while($rsServices = mysql_fetch_array($qrServices)) {
} ?>
![](images/spacer.gif) |
![](images/spacer.gif) |
![](images/spacer.gif) |
=($_SESSION['Sale5'])?> |
$x = 1;
$sql = "select
t1.*, ".GetCurrency($_SESSION['LangCurrency'])."
t2.Name as estate_type,
t3.Name as estate_status,
t4.Name as estate_township,
t6.Currency as estate_rent_currency,
t8.Name as estate_city
from t_advert t1
inner join t_properties t2 on t2.PageType='EstateType'
inner join t_properties t3 on t3.PageType='EstateStatus'
inner join t_properties t4 on t4.PageType='TownShip'
inner join t_exchange t6 on t6.Currency=t1.RentCurrency
inner join t_properties t8 on t8.PageType='City'
t2.ItemID = t1.EstateType and t2.PageLang='".$_SESSION['Lang']."' and
t3.ItemID = t1.EstateStatus and t3.PageLang='".$_SESSION['Lang']."' and
t4.ID = t1.TownShipID and
t6.Currency = t1.RentCurrency and
t8.ID = t1.CityID and
t1.Visible='1' and t1.SaleAdvert='1' order by ListPrice asc LIMIT 0,5
$qrSale = mysql_query($sql);
while($rsSale = mysql_fetch_array($qrSale)) {
![](images/spacer.gif) |
$x++; } ?>
![](images/spacer.gif) |
![](images/spacer.gif) |
=($_SESSION['Rent5'])?> |
$x = 1;
$sql = "select
t1.*, ".GetCurrency($_SESSION['LangCurrency'])."
t2.Name as estate_type,
t3.Name as estate_status,
t4.Name as estate_township,
t6.Currency as estate_rent_currency,
t8.Name as estate_city
from t_advert t1
inner join t_properties t2 on t2.PageType='EstateType'
inner join t_properties t3 on t3.PageType='EstateStatus'
inner join t_properties t4 on t4.PageType='TownShip'
inner join t_exchange t6 on t6.Currency=t1.RentCurrency
inner join t_properties t8 on t8.PageType='City'
t2.ItemID = t1.EstateType and t2.PageLang='".$_SESSION['Lang']."' and
t3.ItemID = t1.EstateStatus and t3.PageLang='".$_SESSION['Lang']."' and
t4.ID = t1.TownShipID and
t6.Currency = t1.RentCurrency and
t8.ID = t1.CityID and
t1.Visible='1' and t1.RentAdvert='1' order by ListPrice asc LIMIT 0,5
$qrRent = mysql_query($sql);
while($rsRent = mysql_fetch_array($qrRent)) {
![](images/spacer.gif) |
$x++; } ?>
![](images/spacer.gif) |
![](images/spacer.gif) |
=($_SESSION['ExchangeInfo'])?> |
![](images/spacer.gif) |
T.C.M.B |
=($_SESSION['CurBuying'])?> |
=($_SESSION['CurSell'])?> |
$sql = "select * from t_exchange where Currency!='YTL' order by Seq asc";
$qr = mysql_query($sql);
while($rs = mysql_fetch_array($qr)) {
=($rs['Currency'])?> |
=($rs['Buying'])?> |
=($rs['Selling'])?> |
} ?>
if (1==2) { ?>
Ek Olarak: -konu güncel
Ek Olarak: Konu güncel..