Aşağıdaki mesajı göndermiş google.. Anlayan arkadaşlar ne demek istediği konusunda fikir verebilirse sevinirim;
Hi Murat,
Thanks for letting us know that you've changed the domain of your site! We've updated your site domain in our system and it should take effect in the next few days. We also recommend that you review this article about how to tell Google when your site moves.
Note: If you have additional news section URLs beyond https://ABC.net/, please update our records within the Google News Publisher Centre. If you have submitted a News sitemap in Search Console, make sure that it's consistent with your new source URL, or submit an updated News sitemap that reflects the recent changes.
You can verify that we've started including articles from your new domain by using our "site:" operator. From the Google News home page, enter site:ABC.net and click the search button. If you find that your articles still haven't been crawled after 3-4 days have passed, respond to this message to let us know.
Thanks for your interest in Google News.