arkadaşlar öncelikle reddedilme sebebinin aile uygun içerik ve düzen olmadığını anladım. itiraz mesajı da attım. ikinci sefer gönderdim uygulamayı gene red yedim. bana gelen mailleri atıcam size bir de siz yorumlayınız.

bu birinci red:

Thanks for submitting Kahve Tabirleri (com.demebe.gs63vr.kahvefalcs) to Google Play.
Publishing Status
Publishing status: Rejected
After review, your app has been rejected and wasn't published due to a policy violation. If you submitted an update, the previous version of your app is still available on Google Play.
Reasons of violation
Issue: Violation of Inappropriate Ads policy
The ads shown within your app must be appropriate for the intended audience of your app, even if the content by itself is otherwise compliant with our policies. For example, ads that show mature content or services cannot be served in apps that have a content rating for younger audiences.
Next steps: Submit your app for another review
1. Read through the Inappropriate Ads policy, Content Ratings page, and Help Center article for additional details.
2. Take appropriate steps to ensure that your ads services and ad content filtering are set appropriately for the content rating of your app.
You may need to check with your ad service provider to make sure the advertising campaigns you selected will only show content consistent with your app’s intended audience.
If you use AdMob, please refer to the AdMob Help Center for more details on ad content filtering.
3. Sign in to your Play Console and submit the update to your app. If you’ve reviewed the policy and feel our decision may have been in error, please reach out to our policy support team. We'll get back to you within 2 business days.

bu da ikinci red :

Thanks for submitting your app for Designed for Families. We reviewed your app, Kahve Tabirleri, with package ID com.demebe.gs63vr.kahvefalcs, and noticed some eligibility issues.

App status: Your app has not been accepted into Designed for Families. This does not affect your app’s status on Google Play.

Eligibility issues in app Metadata:

Generic DFF eligibility
The family-friendly experience on Designed for Families is intended to make apps easier to discover for parents and families, who expect the apps to be age appropriate. After careful consideration we have determined that your app does not meet our eligibility criteria. Apps in the program must be specifically designed for children, have a rating of E or E10+, and include relevant app information.

Eligibility issues by APK version:

Version(s) Eligibility Issue
Generic DFF eligibility
The family-friendly experience on Designed for Families is intended to make apps easier to discover for parents and families, who expect the apps to be age appropriate. After careful consideration we have determined that your app does not meet our eligibility criteria. Apps in the program must be specifically designed for children, have a rating of E or E10+, and include relevant app information.

To be considered for the Designed For Families, please follow these steps:

Make the necessary changes to your app.
Submit your app for another review.
For more details on how an app can qualify for Designed for Families, you can read through the program requirements. Within the content rating questionnaire, make sure to click the “Learn More” links at the end of each question for definitions of terms and content examples.

If you’ve reviewed the eligibility criteria and feel this rejection may have been in error, you can contact our policy support team.

Thanks for supporting Google Play,

The Google Play Team