Ek Olarak: Suggestion Summary
Click on the rule names to see suggestions for improvement.
High priority. These suggestions represent the largest potential performance wins for the least development effort. However, there are no high priority suggestions for this site. Good job!
Medium priority. These suggestions may represent smaller wins or much more work to implement. You should address these items next:
Sıkıştırmayı etkinleştirin, Resimleri CSS sprite görseller içinde birleştirin, Tarayıcı önbellekleme özelliğinden yararlanın
Low priority. These suggestions represent the smallest wins. You should only be concerned with these items after you've handled the higher-priority ones:
CSS'yi küçültün, Resimleri optimize edin, Önbellek doğrulayıcı belirtin, Ölçeklenmiş resimler sunun, JavaScript'i küçültün, Statik kaynaklardan sorgu dizelerini kaldırın, Vary: Accept Encoding üstbilgisi belirtin
Experimental rules. These suggestions are experimental, but do not affect the overall PageSpeed Score. Consider this item as a pointer to an area to explore, but your mileage might vary:
Gereksiz yeniden akışlardan kurtulun
Already done!. There are no suggestions for these rules, since this page already follows these best practices. Good job!
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