
Profesyönel bir Wordpress uzmanı arıyorum. Ücret ile bir iş yaptıracağım.


Bu temayı satın almak istiyorum ve üzerinde değişiklikler yapılacak.

Here is the list of things I want:

-) Removal of 'points' and 'badgets'. There will be only 3 badges available. Admin, Doctor and Member. When people register to the website, Admins will select their role.
-) While signing up, there will be an option to select if you are a regular member or a doctor. Badges will be given by Admin accordingly.
-) Questions, Answers and sign-ups will all need approval of Admin.
-) Only 'Doctor' badge will be able to answer the questions but members can ask questions.
-) 5 Star Rating System, only 'Doctor' badge answers will be able to be rated by members at the posts.
-) On the main page, Questions (posts) will show from latest to oldest and also filters will be available like right now.
-) Search system needs to change, only 'doctor' badge members (users profiles) will be displayed on the user search search and they will show in order acorrding to their rating (5 star system on the answers). Normal members will not be displayed on the search system.
-) Poll system will be removed from all the website completely.
-) 'top members' widget on the side bar will display top 'doctor' badges only and they will be ordered by their 5 star rating accordingly.
-) On the 'doctor' badge profiles, the doctors 5 star rating will show accordingly and members will be able to comment on their profile. (admin approved)
-) On the 'doctor' badge profiles, there will be a thanks button so that members can use this button to thank the 'doctor' and will show how many 'thanks' a doctor got.
-) Admin will give authority to 'doctor' members (only selected doctors) and so they can publish their articles on the blog page etc.
-) Badges and Polls pages will be removed, and removed from sidebars / menus etc.
-) 'doctors' will be able to write down their work location (hospital etc.) to their bio but I guess they already can right now.
-) I want a 'doctor' calendar on the 'doctor' badge profiles, which they can fill out on their profile settings. Show their work hours / days etc. on the 'doctor' profile.
-) If you ask a 'doctor' question or a general question to everydoctor, this will be displayed on the main page. There can't be private or hidden questions.
-) Private message system will be removed, only Q&A system.

Rest can stay the same, it is a beautiful theme I love it. Also I will use a Wordpress Translation Plugin to translate the website to Turkish.

Tekrar Türkçe yazmaya üşendim, İngilizceniz vardır diye tahmin ediyorum.

Tema sahibi bu eklemeler için 700 USD istiyor ancak bunun çok fazla olduğunu düşünmekteyim. Aklımda 300 USD gibi bir fiyat var.

Yapabilecekler ulaşırsa detaylı konuşalım.



Sözleşmeli bir anlaşma sağlanmıştır.