phatgit adlı üyeden alıntı

Admin panelinden ayarlar menüsünde PostViews'e tıklayın, Views Template: olan yerde "views" yerini kavanoz teması kullanıyorsanız silin eğer başka bir temaysa "kez okundu." gibisinden şeyler yazabilirsiniz, widgetta ise Most Viewed Template: bölümünde den öncekini değiştirin :)

mcangunay adlı üyeden alıntı

Hatırladığım kadarıyla böyle olacaktı. Admin panelinden, eklentinin ayar sayfasına gir. "Views Template:"nin karşısındaki kutudan views yazan yeri istediğin gibi değiştirebilirsin.

Hocam Vİews Template sadece bu sayfada var onunda kasşısında views yok :)

Sayfa wp-postviews/postviews-options.php sayfası

| |
| WordPress Plugin: WP-PostViews |
| Copyright (c) 2012 Lester "GaMerZ" Chan |
| |
| File Written By: |
| - Lester "GaMerZ" Chan |
| - |
| |
| File Information: |
| - Post Views Options Page |
| - wp-content/plugins/wp-postviews/postviews-options.php |
| |

### Variables Variables Variables
$base_name = plugin_basename('wp-postviews/postviews-options.php');
$base_page = 'admin.php?page='.$base_name;
$id = (isset($_GET['id']) ? intval($_GET['id']) : 0);
$mode = (isset($_GET['mode']) ? trim($_GET['mode']) : '');
$views_settings = array('views_options', 'widget_views_most_viewed', 'widget_views');
$views_postmetas = array('views');

### Form Processing
// Update Options
if(!empty($_POST['Submit'])) {
$views_options = array();
$views_options['count'] = intval($_POST['views_count']);
$views_options['exclude_bots'] = intval($_POST['views_exclude_bots']);
$views_options['display_home'] = intval($_POST['views_display_home']);
$views_options['display_single'] = intval($_POST['views_display_single']);
$views_options['display_page'] = intval($_POST['views_display_page']);
$views_options['display_archive'] = intval($_POST['views_display_archive']);
$views_options['display_search'] = intval($_POST['views_display_search']);
$views_options['display_other'] = intval($_POST['views_display_other']);
$views_options['template'] = trim($_POST['views_template_template']);
$views_options['most_viewed_template'] = trim($_POST['views_template_most_viewed']);
$update_views_queries = array();
$update_views_text = array();
$update_views_queries[] = update_option('views_options', $views_options);
$update_views_text[] = __('Post Views Options', 'wp-postviews');
$text = '';
foreach($update_views_queries as $update_views_query) {
if($update_views_query) {
$text .= ''.$update_views_text[$i].' '.__('Updated', 'wp-postviews').'
if(empty($text)) {
$text = ''.__('No Post Views Option Updated', 'wp-postviews').'';
// Decide What To Do
if(!empty($_POST['do'])) {
// Uninstall WP-PostViews
switch($_POST['do']) {
case __('UNINSTALL WP-PostViews', 'wp-postviews') :
if(trim($_POST['uninstall_views_yes']) == 'yes') {
echo '
echo '

foreach($views_settings as $setting) {
$delete_setting = delete_option($setting);
if($delete_setting) {
echo '';
printf(__('Setting Key \'%s\' has been deleted.', 'wp-postviews'), "{$setting}");
echo '

} else {
echo '';
printf(__('Error deleting Setting Key \'%s\'.', 'wp-postviews'), "{$setting}");
echo '

echo '

echo '

foreach($views_postmetas as $postmeta) {
$remove_postmeta = $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key = '$postmeta'");
if($remove_postmeta) {
echo '';
printf(__('Post Meta Key \'%s\' has been deleted.', 'wp-postviews'), "{$postmeta}");
echo '

} else {
echo '';
printf(__('Error deleting Post Meta Key \'%s\'.', 'wp-postviews'), "{$postmeta}");
echo '

echo '

echo '
$mode = 'end-UNINSTALL';

### Determines Which Mode It Is
switch($mode) {
// Deactivating WP-PostViews
case 'end-UNINSTALL':
$deactivate_url = 'plugins.php?action=deactivate&plugin=wp-postviews/wp-postviews.php';
if(function_exists('wp_nonce_url')) {
$deactivate_url = wp_nonce_url($deactivate_url, 'deactivate-plugin_wp-postviews/wp-postviews.php');
echo '
echo '

'.__('Uninstall WP-PostViews', 'wp-postviews').'

echo '

'.sprintf(__('Click Here To Finish The Uninstallation And WP-PostViews Will Be Deactivated Automatically.', 'wp-postviews'), $deactivate_url).'

echo '
// Main Page
$views_options = get_option('views_options');
/* function views_default_templates(template) {
var default_template;
switch(template) {
case 'template':
default_template = "";
case 'most_viewed':
default_template = "
  • ";
    jQuery("#views_template_" + template).val(default_template);
    /* ]]> */


    '; } ?>

    - %VIEW_COUNT%

    - %VIEW_COUNT%

    - %POST_TITLE%



    - %POST_URL%

    the_views() in order for any view count to be displayed.', 'wp-postviews'); ?>


      foreach($views_settings as $settings) {
      echo '
    1. '.$settings.'
    2. '."\n";

      foreach($views_postmetas as $postmeta) {
      echo '
    1. '.$postmeta.'
    2. '."\n";



    } // End switch($mode)