Siteyi hostgator firmasına taşıdıktan sonra böyle bir problem yaşadım.


We have temporarily disabled because it was causing performance issues on the server. Generally, we attempt to resolve these issues without disabling sites; however, this site began to affect the performance for all users on the system. In this case, we acted to preserve the overall server stability. The report at the end of this ticket provides additional information about the site activity during this period.

Please reply to this ticket with your public IP address ( and we will enable HTTP access for you. This allows you to safely work on the website without causing additional disruptions. If your IP address changes often, simply let us know and we can provide you with password based access. Once you have evaluated and optimized the website, please reply to this email with a brief summary of your changes. Upon review, we can re-enable general access to the site.

Running Processes:
Running Queries:
Open connections:

Açıkçası CPU tüketimini azaltmak için dbyi phpmyadmin üzerinden optimize ettim.Fakat acaba siteyi transfer etme sürecinde başka bir sorun mu yaşadım.Bu konuda fikirlerinizi belirtirseniz çok sevinirim.

EK: Bazı fotoğrafları sildim.Bunun etkisi olur mu bilemiyorum.