Our systems use signals from the web itself—like where words in your search appear on web pages, or how pages link to one another on the web—to understand what information is related to your query and whether it’s information that people tend to trust. But notions of relevance and trustworthiness are ultimately human judgments, so to measure whether our systems are in fact understanding these correctly, we need to gather insights from people.

To do this, we have a group of more than 10,000 people all over the world we call “search quality raters.” Raters help us measure how people are likely to experience our results. They provide ratings based on our guidelines and represent real users and their likely information needs, using their best judgment to represent their locale. These people study and are tested on our rater guidelines before they can begin to provide ratings.

Kaynak: https://blog.google/products/search/raters-experiments-improve-google-search/

OP Yorumum: Eğer yüksek rekabetli sektörlerdeyseniz algoritmadan ziyade UX, kurumsal görünüm, karşılama sayfalarına(landing pages) önem vermek gerekiyor. Bizzat local "rater" tarafından puanlanıyorsunuz.