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Server hack diyor..

hey there, i'm really glad that you reported the issue. Turned out someone had access to my demo server and he had uploaded many files on other places too.
but that file is not in the package. You may buy and check yourself

I just want to make sure that there is no misunderstanding. I'm no hacker. It's just my lack of awareness that made my demo site vulnerable

thank you.


Merhaba, bana bu sorunu birdirigin icin tesekkür ederim. Simdi gördüm ki servere izinsiz giris yapilmis. Dosyalari silip kendi dosyalarini yüklenmis. Fakat o dosyalar orjinal temada yoktur.

Burda bellirtmek isterim ki hacker degilim, güvenlik acigi yüzünden bu durumda girdik.