caneraltinel adlı üyeden alıntı
2 adet kapatma parantezi atlamışsın gibi görünüyor. aşağıdaki kodu dener misin?
<?php include 'teknoadminpanelmlh/site-ayarlari.php'; header('Content-Type: text/xml'); echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>'; echo '<rss version="2.0" xmlns:g="">'; ?> <channel> <title><?php echo $ayar['title']; ?></title> <link><?php echo $site; ?></link> <description><?php echo $ayar['description']; ?></description> <?php $veriler = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM urun WHERE dil = :dil AND durum = 1"); $veriler->execute(array(':dil' => $_GET['link'])); if($veriler->rowCount()){ foreach($veriler as $veri){ ?> <item> <g:id><?php echo $veri['id']; ?></g:id> <title><?php echo $veri['baslik']; ?></title> <link><?php echo $site;?>urun/<?php echo $veri['link']; ?></link> <description><?php echo $veri['aciklama']; ?></description> <?php $ilk_resim = ''; $resimler = $db->prepare("SELECT id, resim FROM urun_resim WHERE urun_id = :urun_id ORDER BY sira ASC"); $resimler->execute(array(':urun_id' => $veri['id'])); if($resimler->rowCount()){ foreach($resimler as $resim){ if($ilk_resim == ''){ $ilk_resim = $site.'upload/'.$resim['resim']; } echo'<g:additional_image_link>'.$site.'upload/'.$resim['resim'].'</g:additional_image_link>'; } } if(!empty($ilk_resim)){ echo'<g:image_link>'.$ilk_resim.'</g:image_link>'; } ?> <g:price><?php echo fiyat_noktali($veri['fiyat'] * $kur_fiyatlari[1]).' TRY'; ?></g:price> <g:availability>in_stock</g:availability> <g:google_product_category><?php echo $veri['id']; ?></g:google_product_category> <?php if(!empty($veri['marka_id'])){ $marka = $db->prepare("SELECT baslik, resim FROM marka WHERE id = :marka_id LIMIT 1"); $marka->execute(array(':marka_id' => $veri['marka_id'])); $marka = $marka->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if($marka){ echo'<g:brand>'.$marka['baslik'].'</g:brand>'; }else{ echo'<g:brand>'.$ayar['title'].'</g:brand>'; } }else{ echo'<g:brand>'.$ayar['title'].'</g:brand>'; } ?> </item> <?php } } ?> </channel> </rss>
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error on line 13 at column 30: Entity 'uuml' not defined
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