Freezby adlı üyeden alıntı

4 kere okudum tam olarak sorunu anlamadım :)

Okumanız gelişir :) Biliyorum anlatamıyoru sorunu ama,onaylatmakta sorun var işte. index.html den dolayı. wordpress index.php'de
ve index oldugundan karışıyor işler

Adamlar cevap vermiş bakayım uygulayım :)

I see you've now added the site as WordPress. I thought it was still html-installation.
Is it a combination of engines?
It won't verify as your homepage doesn't have a sidebar.

You can add the code to your index.php or footer.php. Leave VoltRank folder as it is and activate it. Paste the following:

into index.php or footer.php file in the themes folder/the theme you're using. Use 'appearance' => 'editor'

This way it should work.