Wordpress için bu eklentiyi kullanabilirsiniz. http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g/

Gönderdiği sosyal ağlar:
Blogger/Blogspot - Autopost to your Blog. HTML is supported.
Delicious - Auto-submit bookmark to your account.
Diigo - Auto-submit bookmark to your account.
Facebook - Autopost to your profile, business page, community page, or Facebook group page. Ability to attach your blogpost to Facebook post. Ability to make "Image" posts.
FriendFeed - Autopost to your account. Ability to attach Image to posts.
Instapaper - Auto-submit bookmark to your account.
Google+ (with third party API library) - Autopost to your profile or business page. Ability to attach your blogpost to Google+ post. Ability to make "Image" posts.
LinkedIn - Autopost to your account. Ability to attach your blogpost to LinkedIn post. Autopost to LinkedIn Company pages and/or Groups (with third party API library)
LiveJournal - Auto-submit your blogpost to LiveJournal blog or community. "LiveJournal Engine" based website DreamWidth.org is also supported.
Pinterest (with third party API library) - Pin your blogpost's featured image to your Pinterest board.
Stumbleupon - Auto-submit bookmark to your account.
Tumblr - Autopost to your account. Ability to attach your blogpost to Tumblr post. HTML is supported.
Twitter - Autopost to your account. Ability to attach Image to tweets.
Plurk - Autopost to your account. Ability to attach Image to messages.
vBulletin - Auto-submit your blogpost to vBulletin forums. Could create new threads or new posts.
vKontakte(VK.com) - Autopost to your profile or group page. Ability to attach your blogpost to Facebook post. Ability to make "Image" posts.
WordPress - Auto-submit your blogpost to another blog based on WordPress. This options includes WordPress.com, Blog.com, etc..
YouTube (with third party API library) - Post messages to your YouTube channel feed. If blogpost has youtube reference it will be attached.