Arkadaşlar Epson firmasından aşağıdaki mail gelmiş bana ne diyor bu adamlar böyle.

Dear Sirs, ("the Domain Name")
We at EPSON Europe BV write to you regarding the Domain Name (above) as the Domain Name incorporates names or marks in which we or our parent company, Seiko EPSON Corporation, Japan, have registered or unregistered rights. The registered rights include, but are not limited to, the following trade marks:
Trade mark no.
Filing date
European Community Trade Mark
2 – toner for computer printers, ink for computer printers, printing inks, colors, ink cartridges for computer printers, toner cartridges for computer printers
9 – digital cameras, etc.
16 – inking ribbons, etc.
02 – ink cartridges and toner cartridges for printers
09 – digital cameras
You have been listed as the legal registrant of the Domain Name.
We request that you, or your advisers, present an explanation in writing outlining your motivation for registering the Domain Name and/or indicating your agreement to a transfer of the Domain Name to us. Please make contact with us by replying to this email within 14 days.
If we do not hear from you or your advisers within the time period indicated above, we will take the view that you are unwilling to reach an informal resolution of this matter. Accordingly, unless we advise you that the matter is resolved at any point, please take notice that we reserve the right to seek appropriate relief against you. This relief may include, without limitation, the making of a complaint against you in terms of an applicable domain name dispute resolution policy. Such a complaint would necessarily include a formal request to the nominated decision making body for the transfer of the Domain Name.
We take the management of our intellectual property extremely seriously and have been successful in similar complaints in the past. See for example:
EPSON Europe BV v. M31 Internet Palma, S.L.
EPSON Europe BV v. Ink2U
EPSON Europe BV v. Cybercorp Enterprises
Seiko Epson Corporation v. Inkking
Please also note that you should not commence or continue any operations using the Domain Name for any commercial activity which may further infringe our intellectual property. Such activity would include (without limitation) operations which may confuse our customers into believing that any websites to which the Domain Name is pointed, or products featured on such websites, are sponsored, affiliated, or endorsed by us. We will monitor activity on the Domain Name in order to ensure that we are alerted should you take any such steps in violation of this notice.
Should you agree to transfer the Domain Name no further action will be taken against you regarding any domain names which you have transferred to us.
Yours faithfully,
Bodo Bredahl
Attorney at law

Epson Deutschland GmbH
Meerbusch 40670