Google forumunda aynı soruyu soran kişiye cevaben şu gelmiş iyi bir yazar tarafından:

Hi Emil,
As far as I know, if your site has good content, and if it has good links to it,
and if it reflects the promise of the .info TLD (that it is an informative site, etc.),
then I cannot see how the .info TLD could affect search results in a bad way.
Good luck with your site.


Yine aynı kişi:

If you do a search for example for 'Cotswolds info'
there are .info sites that appear first.
It is just an example.
I agree with BBDeath that the content of your site and links to it are very important,
and if your site is indeed an informative site (suitable for the .info TLD),
then I think all is well, and you do not have to worry,
concentrate on having a good informative website.
I also suggest check things like that first in official Google documentation,
or an official Google blog,
I did not see anything about this in a Google page or article

Bu biraz içimi rahatlattı. Birde bu forumda tectübe sahibi insanlardan dinlemek istedim. Yorumunuz için teşekkür ederim bir fikrim oluşuyor.

Ek Olarak: Bir google çalışanıda şunu demiş:

Hi Emil

I agree with Cristina and BbDeath that the real value of your site does not lie in your choice of top level domain.

As an example, one of the Googlers who is in charge of the ranking team at Google has had his own homepage on .info for a while now:

You can find out more about him at

There's no reason not to use a .info domain name if you think that it matches your website best. That said, don't obsess too much over PageRank :-)


Bu beni daha çok rahatlattı :D Diyor ki bir google yazılımcısının sitesi bile Google kaynaklarında buna dair kötü bir teori ve PR ile ilgili çok tedirgin olacak bir durum yok.