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Bu sayfayı ücretli olarak türkce yapabilicek birisi
//Page English language V.1.2
$lang_upload = "Upload";
$lang_upload_file = "Upload File";
$lang_folder = "Folder";
$lang_new_folder = "New Folder";
$lang_copy = "Copy";
$lang_sign_up = "Sign Up";
$lang_log_in = "Log In";
$lang_remove = "Remove";
$lang_search = "Search...";
$lang_settings = "Settings";
$lang_logout = "Logout";
$lang_name_of_the_folder = "Name of the folder...";
$lang_name_of_the_file = "Name of the file...";
$lang_name_of_the_file_or_folder = "Name of the file or folder...";
$lang_create = "Create";
$lang_copy_to = "Copy To";
$lang_pictures = "Pictures";
$lang_sounds = "Sounds";
$lang_videos = "Videos";
$lang_texts = "Texts";
$lang_folders = "Folders";
$lang_other = "Other";
$lang_admin_page = "Admin Page";
$lang_available = "available";
$lang_account_edited = "Your account was successfully edited.";
$lang_back_to = "Back to";
$lang_error = "You made a mistake";
$lang_sign_up_email = "You will receive an e-mail.";
$lang_edit_account = "Edit Account";
$lang_user = "User";
$lang_no_space = "There is no available space.";
$lang_select_file = "Select a file";
$lang_system_stats = "System Stats";
$lang_members = "Members";
$lang_members_2 = "members";
$lang_there_are = "There are";
$lang_members_total = "members in total";
$lang_registered_members = "members online";
$lang_guests = "guests online";
$lang_for_user = "for user";
$lang_user_table_contents = "Users Table Contents";
$lang_delete_user = "Delete User";
$lang_user_banned_contents = "Banned Users Table Contents";
$lang_ban_user = "Ban User";
$lang_delete_banned_user = "Delete Banned";
$lang_space = "Space";
$lang_your_system_has = "Your system has";
$lang_user_has = "An user has";
$lang_gb_total = "gb in total";
$lang_mb_avaiable = "mb available";
$lang_mb_busy = "mb busy";
$lang_license = "License";
$lang_license_lang = "License and Lang";
$lang_license_1 = "This system is activated";
$lang_license_2 = "This system is disabled";
$lang_admin_settings = "To change the settings of the system, open and edit the file include/php/constants.php by following the directions given by the text of the document.";
$lang_lang = "Language";
$lang_lang_act = "The language is";
$lang_search_act = "I can not do this function on this page. Back to files.php";
$lang_registration_failed = "Registration Failed";
$lang_registration_error = "We're sorry, but an error has occurred and your registration for the username";
$lang_registration_error_2 = "could not be completed.";
$lang_registration_error_3 = "Please try again at a later time.";
$lang_login_keep_me = "Keep me logged in";
$lang_login_forgot = "Forgot Password?";
$lang_login_forgot_2 = "Forgot Password";
$lang_login_forgot_recover = "Recover it";
$lang_new_password = "New Password Generated";
$lang_new_password_2 = "Your new password has been generated and sent to the email associated with your account.";
$lang_new_password_failure = "New Password Failure";
$lang_new_password_failure_2 = "There is an error in the emails system, so your password has not been changed.";
$lang_username_not = "Username does not exist.";
$lang_submit = "Submit";
$lang_new_password_alert = "You will receive an e-mail.";
$lang_size = "Size";
$lang_date = "Date";
$lang_type = "Type";
$lang_close = "Close";
$lang_share = "Share";
$lang_manage = "Manage";
$lang_rename = "Rename";
$lang_manage_help = "The first button is used to create folders, the second is used to move files, the third is used to copy files and the fourth to delete files and folders. To select files and folders you want to move, copy or delete, click on the checkbox at the bottom right of the file-tile.";
$lang_upload_help = "To upload files click on the button \"Upload Files\" on the right sidebar, or drag files to the zone. Once the file is successfully loaded, you can refresh the page and the file will appear as a tile.";
$lang_rename_help = "To rename files and folders, click on the name of the tile and you will see an input. In the input enter the new name and hit enter.";
$lang_no_files = "No files present";
$lang_no_folder = "Folder not exist";
$lang_no_files_search = "No files found";
$lang_move_file = "Move File";
$lang_copy_file = "Copy File";
$lang_remove_file = "Remove File";
$lang_new_folder = "New Folder";
$lang_remove_confirm = "Are you sure you want to delete?";
$lang_insert_name = "Insert the name...";
$lang_no_files_1 = "No file selected";
$lang_no_files_2 = "You have not selected any files.";
$lang_no_zip = "Unable to create zip";
$lang_no_zip_2 = "No files in this folder.";
$lang_results_for = "Results for";
$lang_change_picture = "Change Picture";
$lang_profile_picture = "Profile Picture";
$lang_limit_files = "You don't have space available.";
$lang_insert_password = "Enter password";
$lang_admin_database = "Change the database Enter information in the fields to connect Tequila to the database.";
$lang_admin_admin = "Username administrator Enter the username you want to use as an administrator.";
$lang_admin_msystem = "Email information Enter information for the \"sending mail\" service.";
$lang_admin_space = "Space information Enter the space you want to dedicate to the system. Enter the numbers. If the space you want to devote to users is less than 1gb uses this numbering: 10mb => 0.0098gb.";
$lang_admin_lang = "Set the language Enter in the field the three-letter code identifying the language according to the pattern that lies beneath.";
$lang_admin_sysdir = "Directory of the system Enter the folder where you installed the system. For example:";
$lang_admin_sysdir_2 = "If the system is in the root, leave the field empty.";
$lang_admin_opt_reg = "Block registration Enter 1 if you want that nobody can sign up, enter 0 if you want that everyone can sign up.";
$lang_admin_success = "Changing completed The modification of the system has been completed.";
$lang_admin_error = "You made a mistake Go back and check that you have filled in all fields correctly. Remember that where a number is required, there must be a number.";
$lang_admin_max_file = "Maximum file size Enter the maximum size of the file to be uploaded (in MB).";