Bu gün bir forum kurulumu yaptım, SMTP posta gönderiminde sorun yaşıyorum tüm bilgiler doğru fakat üye aktivasyon postası yada şifre kurtarma postası göndermiyor. Gönderildi diyor hiç bir hata görünmüyor log larda balan fakat posta gelmiyoır gönderdiğim hesaba. Alan adı yandex DNS de yani tüm ayarları yandex kontrol ediyor. Daha önce hiç yaşamıyordum. Ben daha çok MyBB den şüpheleniyorum 1.8.7 versiyonunu kurdum acaba varmı benzer sorun yaşayan kişiler veya bilgisi olan.
Sorunlu arkadaşlar 1.8.7 sürüm başka hostinglerde de denedim smtp posta göndermiyor
smtp.php dosyası
* MyBB 1.8
* Copyright 2014 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
* Website: http://www.mybb.com
* License: http://www.mybb.com/about/license
// Disallow direct access to this file for security reasons
die("Direct initialization of this file is not allowed.
Please make sure IN_MYBB is defined.");
* SMTP mail handler class.
define('MYBB_SSL', 1);
define('MYBB_TLS', 2);
class SmtpMail extends MailHandler
* The SMTP connection.
* @var resource
public $connection;
* SMTP username.
* @var string
public $username = '';
* SMTP password.
* @var string
public $password = '';
* Hello string sent to the smtp server with either HELO or EHLO.
* @var string
public $helo = 'localhost';
* User authenticated or not.
* @var boolean
public $authenticated = false;
* How long before timeout.
* @var integer
public $timeout = 5;
* SMTP status.
* @var integer
public $status = 0;
* SMTP default port.
* @var integer
public $port = 25;
* SMTP default secure port.
* @var integer
public $secure_port = 465;
* SMTP host.
* @var string
public $host = '';
* The last received error message from the SMTP server.
* @var string
public $last_error = '';
* Are we keeping the connection to the SMTP server alive?
* @var boolean
public $keep_alive = false;
* Whether to use TLS encryption.
* @var boolean
public $use_tls = false;
function __construct()
global $mybb;
$protocol = '';
case MYBB_SSL:
$protocol = 'ssl://';
case MYBB_TLS:
$this->use_tls = true;
$this->host = @ini_get('SMTP');
$this->host = $mybb->settings['smtp_host'];
$local = array('', '::1', 'localhost');
if(!in_array($this->host, $local))
if(function_exists('gethostname') && gethostname() !== false)
$this->helo = gethostname();
$helo = php_uname('n');
$this->helo = $helo;
$this->helo = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
$this->host = $protocol . $this->host;
if(empty($mybb->settings['smtp_port']) && !empty($protocol) && !@ini_get('smtp_port'))
$this->port = $this->secure_port;
else if(empty($mybb->settings['smtp_port']) && @ini_get('smtp_port'))
$this->port = @ini_get('smtp_port');
else if(!empty($mybb->settings['smtp_port']))
$this->port = $mybb->settings['smtp_port'];
$this->password = $mybb->settings['smtp_pass'];
$this->username = $mybb->settings['smtp_user'];
* Sends the email.
* @return bool whether or not the email got sent or not.
function send()
global $lang, $mybb;
if(!$this->send_data('MAIL FROM:<'.$this->from.'>', '250'))
$this->fatal_error("The mail server does not understand the MAIL FROM command. Reason: ".$this->get_error());
return false;
// Loop through recipients
$emails = explode(',', $this->to);
foreach($emails as $to)
$to = trim($to);
if(!$this->send_data('RCPT TO:<'.$to.'>', '250'))
$this->fatal_error("The mail server does not understand the RCPT TO command. Reason: ".$this->get_error());
return false;
if($this->send_data('DATA', '354'))
$this->send_data('Date: ' . gmdate('r'));
$this->send_data('To: ' . $this->to);
$this->send_data('Subject: ' . $this->subject);
// Only send additional headers if we've got any
// Queue the actual message
$this->message = str_replace("\n.", "\n..", $this->message);
$this->fatal_error("The mail server did not understand the DATA command");
return false;
$this->send_data('.', '250');
return true;
return false;
* Connect to the SMTP server.
* @return boolean True if connection was successful
function connect()
global $lang, $mybb;
$this->connection = @fsockopen($this->host, $this->port, $error_number, $error_string, $this->timeout);
// DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR checks if running windows
if(function_exists('stream_set_timeout') && DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR != '\\')
@stream_set_timeout($this->connection, $this->timeout, 0);
$this->status = 1;
$this->fatal_error("The mail server is not ready, it did not respond with a 220 status message.");
return false;
if($this->use_tls || (!empty($this->username) && !empty($this->password)))
$helo = 'EHLO';
$helo = 'HELO';
$data = $this->send_data("{$helo} {$this->helo}", '250');
$this->fatal_error("The server did not understand the {$helo} command");
return false;
if($this->use_tls && preg_match("#250( |-)STARTTLS#mi", $data))
if(!$this->send_data('STARTTLS', '220'))
$this->fatal_error("The server did not understand the STARTTLS command. Reason: ".$this->get_error());
return false;
if(!@stream_socket_enable_crypto($this->connection, true, STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLS_CLIENT))
$this->fatal_error("Failed to start TLS encryption");
return false;
// Resend EHLO to get updated service list
$data = $this->send_data("{$helo} {$this->helo}", '250');
$this->fatal_error("The server did not understand the EHLO command");
return false;
if(!empty($this->username) && !empty($this->password))
preg_match("#250( |-)AUTH( |=)(.+)$#mi", $data, $matches);
return false;
return true;
$this->fatal_error("Unable to connect to the mail server with the given details. Reason: {$error_number}: {$error_string}");
return false;
* Authenticate against the SMTP server.
* @param string $auth_methods A list of authentication methods supported by the server
* @return boolean True on success
function auth($auth_methods)
global $lang, $mybb;
$auth_methods = explode(" ", trim($auth_methods));
if(in_array("LOGIN", $auth_methods))
if(!$this->send_data("AUTH LOGIN", 334))
if($this->code == 503)
return true;
$this->fatal_error("The SMTP server did not respond correctly to the AUTH LOGIN command");
return false;
if(!$this->send_data(base64_encode($this->username), '334'))
$this->fatal_error("The SMTP server rejected the supplied SMTP username. Reason: ".$this->get_error());
return false;
if(!$this->send_data(base64_encode($this->password), '235'))
$this->fatal_error("The SMTP server rejected the supplied SMTP password. Reason: ".$this->get_error());
return false;
else if(in_array("PLAIN", $auth_methods))
if(!$this->send_data("AUTH PLAIN", '334'))
if($this->code == 503)
return true;
$this->fatal_error("The SMTP server did not respond correctly to the AUTH PLAIN command");
return false;
$auth = base64_encode(chr(0).$this->username.chr(0).$this->password);
if(!$this->send_data($auth, 235))
$this->fatal_error("The SMTP server rejected the supplied login username and password. Reason: ".$this->get_error());
return false;
$this->fatal_error("The SMTP server does not support any of the AUTH methods that MyBB supports");
return false;
// Still here, we're authenticated
return true;
* Fetch data from the SMTP server.
* @return string The data from the SMTP server
function get_data()
$string = '';
while((($line = fgets($this->connection, 515)) !== false))
$string .= $line;
if(substr($line, 3, 1) == ' ')
$string = trim($string);
$this->data = $string;
$this->code = substr($this->data, 0, 3);
return $string;
* Check if we're currently connected to an SMTP server
* @return boolean true if connected
function connected()
if($this->status == 1)
return true;
return false;
* Send data through to the SMTP server.
* @param string $data The data to be sent
* @param int|bool $status_num The response code expected back from the server (if we have one)
* @return boolean True on success
function send_data($data, $status_num = false)
if(fwrite($this->connection, $data."\r\n"))
if($status_num != false)
$rec = $this->get_data();
return $rec;
return false;
return true;
$this->fatal_error("Unable to send the data to the SMTP server");
return false;
return false;
* Checks if the received status code matches the one we expect.
* @param int $status_num The status code we expected back from the server
* @return string|bool
function check_status($status_num)
if($this->code == $status_num)
return $this->data;
return false;
* Close the connection to the SMTP server.
function close()
if($this->status == 1)
$this->status = 0;
* Get the last error message response from the SMTP server
* @return string The error message response from the SMTP server
function get_error()
$this->last_error = "N/A";
return $this->last_error;
* Set the last error message response from the SMTP server
* @param string $error The error message response
function set_error($error)
$this->last_error = $error;